Welcome to our educational and informational video series on hearing. Dr. D’Anne Rudden explains the differences in hearing loss, tinnitus, and other issues affecting hearing loss. Please visit Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center website to learn more about hearing loss.
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Hearing Loss Causes Falls
Did you know that hearing loss can cause falls? 50 Plus column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden with Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center explains how hearing loss can cause falls and preventing them.
Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
Did you know that hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline? 50 Plus column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden, audiologist and owner of Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center, tells about how hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline.
Hearing With Heart
Did you know that heart disease can affect your hearing? 50 Plus column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden, owner of Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center, tells about hearing with heart.
Higher Costs in Healthcare with Hearing Loss
People with hearing loss have higher rates of hospitalization and emergency room visits. 50 Plus column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden explains why this happens!
Advances in Audiology Research
If you have severe hearing loss, be aware of the latest research as 50 Plus hearing column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden explains the latest advances in audiology research.
Tinnitus Relief
Do you have constant or intermittent annoying ringing in the ears? 50 Plus hearing column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden, a hearing specialist and owner of Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center, explains the myths & facts and treatment of tinnitus.
Hearing Patient Expectations
Have you been unhappy with your hearing devices? 50 Plus hearing column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden, audiologist and owner at Longmont Hearing, explains hearing patient expectations.
Loud Noises Can Damage Your Hearing!
Are you having a hard time hearing? 50 Plus column writer and audiologist Dr. D’Anne Rudden explains how loud noises can damage your hearing. Enjoy!
Hearing Loss Increases Your Risk of Falling
If you are prone to falling, hearing loss may be the reason! 50 Plus hearing column writer Dr. D’Anne Rudden with Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center, explains how hearing loss increases your risk of falling.
How Tinnitus Affects Your Hearing
Do you have that annoying buzzing or hissing sounds in your ears? 50 Plus column writer and audiologist, Dr. D’Anne Rudden explains how tinnitus affects your hearing!
Preventing Hearing Loss
Do you know what the safe and dangerous sounds are in your everyday life? 50 Plus columnist Dr. D’Anne Rudden, audiologist and owner of Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center, explains the causes and prevention of hearing loss.
Comparing Hearing Aids
Did you know there are technical differences between hearing aids? 50 Plus column writer and audiologist Dr. D’Anne Rudden explains the differences in hearing aids.
Alzheimer’s Disease Affects Hearing
Over 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s Disease. 50 Plus columnist Dr. D’Anne Rudden with Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center explains how Alzheimer’s Disease can affect your hearing!
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