Tag: Ukraine President Zelensky

Enough is Enough!

After that famous photo in the New York Times and other world newspapers of a Ukrainian woman and her children laying dead in the street after being killed by Russian soldiers as they were fleeing should tell the world Russia has no intention of stopping the war in Ukraine. This is typical of genocide tactics. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/422304/latest-news/enough-is-enough

Technology Boosts Ukraine’s Morale!

I don’t like to write about war and destruction, but after watching the latest network TV news reporting the successes of the Ukrainian Army, I feel technology and passion have helped the Ukrainians defeat some of the Russian military in latter March. I hope they can continue the offensive against the Russians, providing NATO can …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/427990/technology-is-hip/technology-boosts-ukraines-morale

U.S., European, and Other World Leaders Condemn Russia’s Invasion Against Ukraine!

U.S., European, and other world leaders condemn Russia’s actions against Ukraine are justifiable! To invade an innocent country after Russia promised U.S and European leaders would NOT invade Ukraine, President Putin is portrayed as just another Adolph Hitler! U.S and European leaders are helping Ukraine President Zelensky and their citizens in many ways by providing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/421484/latest-news/u-s-and-european-leaders-condemn-russias-invasion-against-ukraine