The Human Bean locations of Northern Colorado will be collecting healthy snacks and/or new or gently used books for Kindergarten through 8th grade students, safely through their windows. The drive is designed to feed the students body and mind. As an incentive, the Human Bean will give customers a punch for each item donated (up …
Tag: Operation School Bell
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Jan 18 2021
Assistance League of Greeley and Human Bean Schedule ACTION! Week in February!
The Assistance League® of Greeley and The Human Bean (Weld County locations) will partner for Hungry Kids Action Week, February 22-26, 2021. During that week, customers at the Human Bean Drive-Thru Coffee locations are asked to donate individually pack-aged healthy snacks and/or new or gently used books for kindergarten through 8th grade students. Donations will …
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Dec 01 2020
Colorado Gives Day
Assistance League® of Greeley needs your help on Colorado Gives Day, Tuesday, December 8, 2020. This online giving opportunity, to your favorite non-profit, is easy and can be scheduled anytime after November 1st. Assistance League has faced unprecedented challenges this year. Your support is vital to our mission: …to meet the challenging needs of individuals …
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Oct 13 2020
Assistance League of Greeley Donates School Uniforms
As students began planning for their return to the classroom in August, the Assistance League of Greeley provided school uniforms to all the students in seven Title I schools in Greeley-Evans District 6. Dubbed Operation School Bell®, more than 3,500 students each received a pair of slacks and a polo shirt to start their year. …
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