You’ve probably heard a lot about wellness in the past few years from “wellness initiatives” in the workplace to fitness classes promising that they will “restore your wellness.” Healthcare plans emphasize wellness now too. Medicare covers an annual wellness visit as well as a variety of other preventive health services. But what exactly is wellness, …
Tag: health
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May 04 2021
How Sleep Affects Your Health
Unhealthy sleep can interfere with daily activities and is associated with lower quality of life and risk of chronic disease, such as diabetes and obesity. There is a connection with poor sleep and unhealthy weight gain because sleep regulates hormones that tell your body when you are hungry and signals when you feel full. This …
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Jul 28 2020
Aging2.0 Group Researches Nutrition to Longevity
As the impact of health becomes more recognized, researchers are seeing a greater role for food and nutrition in maintaining good health in older age as well as in illness prevention and recovery. The Aging2.0 Collective Group is researching a new initiative around food and nutrition. The American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging website suggests …
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Mar 03 2020
Resource Fair In Eaton
Health-based organizations, companies, businesses and individuals recently joined together at the Eaton Community Center and presented various options, products and services for seniors seeking a healthier lifestyle. Representatives were on-hand to answer questions about home healthcare, banking services, mobility assistance, end of life preparations, senior assisted-living communities, transportation and a variety of additional senior assistance …
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Apr 16 2019
The Aspen Club Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Back in 1989, a very future-thinking leader at Poudre Valley Hospital heard Dr. Ken Dychtwald speak at a conference. Dr. Dychtwald, a gerontologist, best-selling author and one of leading authorities on aging, talked about shifting the paradigm of growing older from a period of decline to a period of health and vitality. He created a …
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Jan 30 2018
Senior Homecare Provided By Angels
Visiting Angels of Boulder County understands the importance of allowing seniors to remain safely and happily in their own home. The continuation of daily routines in the comfort of one’s own home and community is good for both physical and mental health. Many seniors are able to live independently, but some daily tasks may become …
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Oct 09 2017
Your Voice Important on Aging Issues
If you are a senior in Colorado, or provide assistance to one or more, we want to hear from you. The need is urgent. By the year 2030, nearly one in every five residents will be 65 or over. The state must be prepared to meet the challenges that come with serving an aging population. …
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Jun 03 2016
June is Men’s Health Month
Communities across the country join Men’s Health Network in celebrating this awareness period. The goal of Men’s Health Month is to encourage men and boys to take care of their health and to heighten the public’s awareness of the many preventable health problems that affect them. “These efforts reach men where they live, work, play, …
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Feb 09 2016
February is Heart Month
This American Heart Month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Million Hearts®–a national effort to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes in the U.S. by 2017–are encouraging Americans to know their blood pressure, and if it’s high, to make control their goal. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of …
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