On January 1, most Medicare beneficiaries were expecting an increase in their Social Security check. However, many seniors did not see any of the increase as the Medicare Part B premium also increased to $134. The end result is that for many Medicare beneficiaries, the Social Security increase was used to pay the increase in …
Tag: county department human services
Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/10476/colorado-gerontological-society/thousands-seniors-eligible-medicare-part-premiums
Nov 07 2017
Housing Costs, Some Relief is Available
Housing costs in Colorado both for owners, and renters continue to soar. Homeowners may realize that downsizing is important. But, the cost of a new, smaller home may not be affordable. Homes that are paid for or have a low mortgage payment often cost less than a new mortgage or renting. The cost of renting …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/9866/colorado-gerontological-society/housing-costs-relief