If you think eight billion people living on planet Earth is optimal, think again! Many scientists have warned the world about over-population, climate change, starvation, extinction, and bio-diversity issues affecting our planet. In 2023, our planet had eight billion people. There were only one billion people on the planet at the turn of the 19th …
Tag: Climate Change
Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/516513/latest-news/the-future-of-our-planet
Sep 19 2022
Climate Change and Older Adults
The Golden Years are not so shiny in these times of climate crisis. But while older adults are especially vulnerable to some of the worst impacts of climate change, we also are among those who have the knowledge, resources, and motivation to help turn the tide. Climate change impacts all of us by threatening our …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/450346/latest-news/climate-change-and-older-adults
Sep 20 2021
Our Environmental Crisis!
PBS-TV ran a special program last week called “Extinction.” It tells about over-population, starvation, deforestation, extinction of 1 million species in plant, animal, and insects, severe climate change, more wildfires & hurricanes, rising temperatures, more riots, and food shortages. ABC-TV ran a similar program called “Earth 2100” with scientists predicting the same events in 2009. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/402947/latest-news/our-environmental-crisis