Tag: Bob Larson

The Quest for Planet Nine

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

TV’s 60 Minutes program recently reported a new planet in our solar system. It hasn’t been seen yet, but several Caltech researchers in Pasadena, California have found evidence of a giant planet orbiting our solar system. The researchers have nicknamed it Planet Nine, which has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits …

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Flying Taxis in Dubai

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

  Driverless taxis have been proposed in several countries including the U.S. by various vendors. Now a driverless air taxi service has been proposed in Dubai with service starting in July. Dubai’s ruler announced last year that 25 percent of all journeys in the city would be conducted by driverless vehicles by 2030. Autonomous flying …

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CDOT Proposes New Transit System

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Many Northern Coloradans have been frustrated about the traffic congestion along the I-25 corridor between Fort Collins to Denver. Colorado’s population is booming with 50% growth in the last 20 years and another 50 percent growth projected during the next 20 years. In 2015, 546 people died in Colorado traffic-related crashes, and more than 3,000 …

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Gene Editing Saves Lives!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

In 2015, a one year old English girl named Layla was treated with gene edited immune cells that eliminated all signs of an aggressive leukemia that was killing her. Layla’s treatment was a one time technique. Chemo and a bone marrow stem cell transplant hadn’t eliminated her aggressive cancer cells. Just before Layla’s first birthday, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/8253/technology-is-hip/gene-editing-saves-lives

Technology Benefits Genealogists!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Since the beginning of genealogy centuries ago, antiquarians, past genealogists, and family historians recorded their results on paper. After years of research, lots of paper and storage were required. Today, genealogy researchers and family historians use computers with family tree software or online trees with optional scanners or digital cameras to record their research. Computers …

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The Age of Acceleration

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

In 2007, the age of acceleration in technology happened practically overnight and changed the world forever. According to author Tom Friedman’s latest book “Thank You For Being Late,” three major acceleration forces included 1) market forces (globalization and price collapse of connectivity making the Internet and computers cheaper, 2) mother nature affecting our environment and …

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IBM’s Watson Technology Helps Doctors

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

by Bob Larson Seen recently on CBS TV’s 60 Minutes program, IBM has invested heavily in its Watson Artificial Intelligence (AI) business unit. It was created in 2014 with an estimated 10,000 workers. This started in 2011 when a team of IBM engineers and programmers created the Watson computer to challenge the smartest champions on …

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Robots Making History Again!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

by Bob Larson, We’ve known about the value of robots for over 30 years. The earliest fixed robots have been used in manufacturing products including vehicles at many modern worldwide plants. Medical robots are helping surgeons with non-evasive surgery and reducing hospital or surgery center costs across the world too. Mobile space robots have been …

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Advances in Telemedicine

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Compared to other industries, healthcare has been relatively slow to embrace new technology such as Telemedicine/Telehealth, according to medical experts. However, that is changing with more federal and state support in legislation to adopt more telemedicine/telehealth services. With over 324 million population in the U.S. per June 2016 Census Bureau data, people aged 65 and …

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The Bus of the Future!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Since three years ago, many main stream and small vehicle manufacturers have been testing self driving cars with great success. Now, the future self driving public bus is in the works! Mercedes-Benz of Germany recently revealed its self-driving bus, which is now testing in the Netherlands. The bus is being tested on a 12 mile …

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Use the Smartphone Voice Search Feature

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

According to 2014 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics, 13% of all U.S. vehicle deaths were attributed to cellphone distractions. Most of these drivers ranged from 15 to 29 years old. Distracted drivers text or search the web on their cellphones while driving. … is is a sad statistic aŠffecting many drivers. … ere are …

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International Space Station Has Major Milestone

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

The International Space Station (ISS) started its initial journey in 1998, when a Russian rocket transported the first piece into space. Seventeen years later after playing host to 222 astronauts from 18 different countries, the ISS has just completed its 100,000th orbit around the Earth. NASA explained that the station has traveled 2.6 billion miles …

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