Holiday Season Travel Tips

Most people know that as we age, the risk of falling increases. About one in four people aged 65 and over fall each year, and that risk grows as people reach their 70s and 80s. You may not be aware that the risk for falling also increases when you travel. Navigating unfamiliar places, perhaps at …

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Seniors Are Targets for Telescammers

Americans receive tens of billions of robocalls each year. Many of them are not from telemarketers, but from telescammers targeting senior citizens, says Dan Weber, President of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says the number one consumer complaint is for unwanted automated calls. During the first half of 2018, …

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Peak senior travel time draws near; here are some tips from AMAC

Help ensure your journey is enjoyable, worry free and safe Summer vacations are the norm for full-fledged families with work and school schedules, but retirees prefer the leisurely, less costly pace of off-season escapes, says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens. Thus, he says, the start of the peak travel season …

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Heat Wave Alert for Seniors

All the indicators suggest that we are in for a long, hot summer and that’s not good news for seniors. “The number of heat waves in much of the U.S. this summer is anticipated to be greater than usual, as projected by several authoritative sources. And the older you are, the more important it is …

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Aging Is a Curable Disease

Is old age a disease? Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], says a significant amount of scientific research indicates that aging is, indeed, a disease. “More important there are many who believe it is a disease with a cure.” Weber cites the work of Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a well-known …

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Seniors Working Beyond Retirement

  Retirement isn’t what it used to be-a time for taking it easier in our old age and avoiding the stress and excitement of the workaday world.  Maybe it’s because we are living longer than ever before making retirement a pricey option.  Then again, perhaps the miracles of modern medicine can make us more energetic …

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The Risk of Aging

‘With age come new vulnerabilities that can make any of us susceptible to elder abuse, says AMAC ‘It is no longer unusual for us to live to be as old as 80, 90 and 100 years or more’ Reports of physical and financial abuse of the elderly are on the rise throughout the country. It’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/9639/latest-news/risk-aging