AMAC Action Provides Congress Recommendations to Safeguard Seniors’ Interests

The Assn. of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) Action has provided Congress and the Administration a series of recommendations aimed at safeguarding seniors’ interests within the flurry of legislative proposals designed to cope with COVID-19’s aftermath. “Senior Americans are among those most impacted by the virus, not just from a health susceptibility standpoint, but from an …

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What Does the $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Bill Provide Americans?

President Trump signed the CARES Act earlier this week! What exactly does the “2.2 trillion dollar” rescue bill do? How can we get access to needed relief? When will it arrive? Here are solid answers about what matters most to you. “This bill puts wind in our sails, but in the end, recovery will be …

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How Old Can We Live?

It’s not about dying at a very ripe old age; it’s about preserving the quality of life as we grow old! “We live in a brave new world– an age of scientific shock and awe dominated by wonders that will never cease. Take the well-funded projects that seek to extend human life. One scientist, Aubrey …

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Telehealth Is A Growing Industry

Telemedicine has become a growth industry worth tens of billions of dollars. By 2025 the market for virtual doctors is expected to exceed $130 billion, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. The numbers of remote doctor-patient visits have been increasing at extraordinarily high rates over the past several years. A Journal of the American …

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Thanks to Holiday Wives & Moms!

As we approach Christmas day let’s take a moment to salute the grand women of Christmas! My wife knocks herself out preparing for events like Thanksgiving and Christmas. She started preparing the Thanksgiving meal two weeks in advance and for sure we had a feast. For some time now she has been in charge of …

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The Future of Space Exploration

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

A recent article from AMAC indicates putting politics aside and focus on America’s can-do spirit. That spirit is about believing, reaching, hoping and making things happen few believe are possible. Americans are risk-takers because we believe in ourselves. Nothing illustrates this better than remembering the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. That brings …

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AMAC Offers Vacation Tips for Seniors

Vacationers are out in droves in summer. “That’s why many seniors opt to hold off on taking their vacations until the fall,” says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. “July and August, when school is out, are peak months for family travel. Planes, trains and highways are packed with travelers …

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Just Hang Up On Dodgy Callers

FCC robocall ruling offers hope; in the meantime, just hang up on dodgy callers, says AMAC Report shows 5 million seniors lose $27.4 a year to phone scammers Seniors may get robocall relief if a new Federal Communications Commission [FCC] ruling prompts phone companies to implement technologies that automatically block them. Dan Weber, an advocate …

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Extend Your Lifespan!

Exert yourself! It’s easier than you think. Per a study conducted by a Columbia University medical team, new research shows that by just moving around for a cumulative 30 minutes a day will help you live longer. “The good news is that the study shows you do not have to go to extremes; you reap …

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Recognizing and Preventing Family Caregiver Burnout

By Eileen MacNalich, AMAC At nearly 35 million strong, family caregivers are the nation’s largest unpaid work force. Caregivers for aging parents in particular, are unsung heroes– tasked with providing meaningful relief and doing their best to give these “patients” the fullest lives possible, they often sacrifice huge parts of their own lives in the …

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The Invisible Man [and Woman], a tale of ageism in America

You might recall the films, The Invisible Man, starring Claude Rains, and The Invisible Woman, starring Virginia Bruce. These works of fiction entertained audiences in the 1940s. But, it’s the 21st Century and it turns out invisible people really exist. “They live among us in the guise of senior citizens,” according to Dan Weber, president of AMAC, …

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Trump Administration Makes Bold Move to Help Lower Drug Prices for Seniors!

Proposes Changes to Antiquated Drug Pricing System – Eliminates Middlemen – Passes Discounts to Patients WASHINGTON, DC – Feb. 1 2019 – President Trump made good on his campaign promise to address the issue of skyrocketing prescription drug prices with decisive action yesterday by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Inspector General Daniel …

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