Needing A New Exercise Program?

When we were young and in good health it seldom, if ever, occurred to us that one day we would be too old to dance the night away. We were full of vim and vinegar. No one had to tell us that we needed to get more exercise; we were always in motion from the …

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The Difference Between Being Tired or Fatigued

Are you tired? Or are you suffering from fatigue? They are two different conditions that require different treatments. If you are tired, all you need is a good night’s sleep. But sleep is not going do much if it’s fatigue or exhaustion that is holding you down. According to WebMD, “Medically speaking, tiredness happens to …

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Advances in Medicine Help Seniors Live Better, Longer!

Advancements in medicine are making life better and longer for senior citizens. The pandemic played havoc with life span statistics. Americans were living longer and better consistently until the Covid outbreak. The life expectancy in 1946 when the first baby boomers were born stood at 64.4 years for men and 69.4 for women. Seven decades …

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Aging Has Got Easier for America’s Seniors!

It’s not how old you are; it’s how old you feel. Survey after survey show that the majority of senior citizens don’t feel like senior citizens. They feel younger and more active than they thought they’d be – whether you ask a 55 year old or a 70 year old. “When we were kids, old …

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Be Aware of Holiday Scams!

The holiday season brings out the Elder Fraud scammer, warns AMAC. Tis the season to be jolly and for seniors to beware of fraudsters who target the elderly this time of the year. What makes older folk more susceptible to becoming targets for scammers during the holiday season? The consensus is that the older we …

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Have Compassion for Lonely Elders!

Carl and Judy Herbet article for 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Have compassion for lonely elders– there are a lot of them out there and they need your help! One man’s agony: “I am 77 years old. I was happily married for 55 years but I lost my wife a year and a half ago. No, she didn’t die. In fact, she is in great physical …

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The Secret of Healthy Aging Is Not as Big a Secret!

It’s not easy growing old. However, if you want to live to a ripe old age you have to work at it; you have to make a promise to yourself to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health. “The ability to grow as old as you can begins when you …

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AMAC Recommends September Vacation Tips!

Travel experts will tell you that September has become the prime time for seniors to schedule their vacations, according to Rebecca Weber, CEO of the 2.4 million member Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. The most popular holiday destinations start to quiet down at summer’s end, making for conditions most seniors favor when getting away …

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Taking a Nap Has Health Benefits for Seniors!

“Getting a good night’s sleep comes highly recommended for the 50-plus population, particularly for the fastest growing segment of senior citizens, those over 65. In fact, it turns out that peaceful dozing overnight may not be enough for some seniors and that taking an afternoon nap may not only be good for toddlers, but can …

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Beware of Chinese Gifts!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Note: I apologize to our Asian citizens with the cruel attacks upon them by other American citizens regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I ask any American to report these personal attacks by the perpetrators to their local law agencies as I feel those people who attack our Asian citizens are nothing short of being a terrorist. …

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Nationwide Shopping Malls Converting to Senior Residences

Online shopping has been a big winner as a result of the COVID crisis, spiking by triple digit percentages on a year-to-year basis, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. But it’s had a harmful effect on physical shopping destinations and across the country malls are taking a beating. According to authoritative reports, more …

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Keep Positive During Thanksgiving!

Don’t let the COVID crisis put a damper on your Thanksgiving Day. Several years ago the founder of the Association of Mature American Citizens, the late Dan Weber, my dad, issued a Thanksgiving Day message at a another particularly trying time in our nation’s history. The threats we faced then were disruptive but definitely less …

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