Tag: ageism

Rage Against Ageism

As a woman and a person of color, I am familiar with prejudicial attitudes and practices of discrimination. Yet, despite our social progress with race and gender equality over the last century, we are woefully out of touch with another prevalent and elusive social ill called ageism. The American Psychological Association says ageism is one …

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Douglas County Hosts Anti-Ageism Contest

Ageism, discrimination based solely on age, can be directed towards younger, as well as, older individuals. It devalues a person and negatively impacts each member of our community. It exists in the workplace, appears in advertising, is portrayed in greeting cards and is promoted in various ways throughout our culture. The anti-ageism movement strives to …

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Ageism in the Healthcare Industry

According to Changing the Narrative group and their partners, ageism is a real problem in the healthcare industry. It impacts our health, lifespan, and economy. In partnership with the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA), Changing the Narrative created a short video, a compilation of interviews with professionals and advocates who serve older adults …

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Certified Age Friendly Employers Tap an Overlooked Labor Pool

The time is ripe for age-friendly workplaces. Big trends like longer lives and declining birth rates are combining with labor force challenges to make this the perfect time to harness the productivity of older workers and intergenerational work teams. Employers that value the contributions of older workers (age 50 plus), as well as the creativity …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/412519/ageism-matters/certified-age-friendly-employers-tap-overlooked-labor-pool

Older Workers Accounted for All Net Employment Growth in Past 20 Years!

Yes, you read that right! And we know that in a society with changing demographics, older people and intergenerational teams are going to be vital to thriving workplaces and communities. And yet we know barriers stand in the way: Myths and stereotypes about older workers, and outright workplace age discrimination. So here are a few …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/412516/ageism-matters/older-workers-accounted-for-all-net-employment-growth-past-20-years

Stimulus Funds Can Help Older Coloradans Get Back to Work

I’ve met hundreds of older Coloradans who were unemployed or underemployed, even before the pandemic. In 2020, Changing the Narrative surveyed over 1200 Coloradans age 50+ to find out how COVID-19 affected their work, and what would be helpful. The survey found that: · 53% had their work status negatively affected by the pandemic · …

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Anti-Ageism Group Grants First Age-Friendly Employer Certifications!

The anti-ageism organization, Changing the Narrative, and their Age-Friendly Workplace Initiative with The Age Friendly Foundation, have granted their first two certifications that recognize age-inclusive workplaces. Jewish Family Service and Vintage, the area agency on aging serving Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, and Summit counties, are now “Certified Age-Friendly Employers” and may tout their new CAFE …

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May Is Older Americans Month! Ageism Theme: Communities of Strength

Let’s change our language to reflect the Older Americans Month 2021 theme of Communities of Strength. This week marks the first week of Older Americans Month 2021, and it has a powerful theme: Communities of Strength. The text released from the Administration of Community Living, which sponsors the month, says: “Older adults have built resilience …

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Author Elizabeth White Reveals Workplace Age Discrimination Issues

Changing the Narrative Director Janine Vanderburg and the Denver Public Library hosted a webinar on age discrimination in March. Janine interviewed book author Elizabeth White, a Harvard MBA graduate, aging solutions advocate, blogger, TedTalks speaker, and lecturer, on her 2019 book, “55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal.” Elizabeth discussed workplace age discrimination and the financial vulnerability …

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After Retiring, What to Do Next!

The Aging 2.0 Network of Denver and Colorado Senior Lobby hosted a fireside chat webinar with author Chris Farrell on his new book, “Purpose and a Paycheck: Finding Meaning, Money, and Happiness in the Second Half of Life.” Chris shared his perspective on the meaning of the word “retirement,” growing work opportunities for the 50+ …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/381644/larimer-county-latest-news/after-retiring-what-to-do-next

Spring Cleaning: Let’s Sweep These Words from our Vocabulary

For many of us, spring cleaning is an annual ritual to clear our lives of things that weigh us down, and to make way for the new. This year, is it time to clear outdated language that perpetuates negative stereotypes about older people as well? Here are just a few phrases we’d like to see …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/381153/ageism-matters/spring-cleaning-lets-sweep-these-words-from-our-vocabulary

In 2021, Let’s Tackle Workplace Age Discrimination!

In 2018, a national study found that 56% of Americans who entered their fifties with stable employment were laid off or pushed out; only 10% ever recouped financially. According to AARP, 2/3 of people age 45 and older have either experienced or witnessed age discrimination in the workplace. This is no surprise to Coloradans aged …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/380133/ageism-matters/in-2021-lets-tackle-workplace-age-discrimination