Category: Your Life Support

Not Just A Pipe Dream

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Are your dreams and beautiful ideas just pipe dreams? According to Webb Garrison in his book Why You Say It (Rutledge Hill Press, 1992), the term ‘pipe dream’ has its origins in the 19th century. The drug opium was imported into Europe from Asia and was widely used in certain literary circles in Britain. Opium …

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Living Fully

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Do you feel your life is all it can be? Do you yearn for life to be fuller? A friend once recited this poem to me: There once was a cautious gal, who never romped or played; She never drank, she never smoked, from the path she never strayed. So when she passed away the …

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Paying Attention

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

A funny story circulated recently about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. Doyle evidently told of a time when he hailed a taxi in Paris. Before he could utter a word, the driver turned to him and asked, “Where can I take you, Mr. Doyle?” Doyle was flabbergasted. He asked …

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Treasure at Your Fingertips

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

A century ago, Russell Conwell traveled the United States with a speech he called, “Acres of Diamonds.” Of the many stories he told, one was of a young man who studied at Yale to become a mining engineer. Upon graduation, “gold fever” struck him and he set off to California to seek his fortune. Yale …

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Getting It Out Is Enough

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

John stopped by the store to pick up a couple items, and when he came out there was a motorcycle cop writing a parking ticket. He went up to the police officer and said, “Come on buddy, how about giving a guy a break?” The policeman ignored him and continued writing the citation. So John …

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One Light

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Imagine an artist painting a winter scene. She depicts a white, frozen ground and evergreens draped in snow. Her hand brings the day to a close as she paints night falling on the canvas. In the deep shadows of dusk, she has painted a grim, log cabin, barely visible to the casual observer. Then she …

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If You Had It To Do Over

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

One woman announced, “I intend to live forever! So far so good.” But the length of our lives is not the real issue; it’s the quality that matters. Not the years in a life, but the life in the years. When asked what he wanted to be remembered for when his life was over, Leo …

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All the Advice You’ll Ever Need

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

“Let me give you some advice.” How often have we heard that? We sometimes ask the opinions of friends or experts, but I know that unsolicited advice is not something people appreciate much. Which is why it is sometimes said that free advice is worth about as much as you pay for it. Or put …

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If You Had It To Do Over

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

One woman announced, “I intend to live forever! So far so good…” But the length of our lives is not the real issue; it’s the quality and meaning that matter. Not the years in a life, but the life in the years. When asked what he wanted to be remembered for when his life was …

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How to Improve Your Vision

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Did you know that the English word “thanks” comes from the same root word as “think?” And they not only share a similar background, the are related in another way. It seems the more we think, the more we thank. One woman illustrated the how thinking and thanking are related in a visit to the …

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Four Important Questions

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

The airline pilot announced over the intercom, “Folks, I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The bad news is…we’re lost. The good news is… we’re making great time!” It’s too easy to live our lives like that, isn’t it? Making great time, but not sure if we’re heading in the right direction. It’s …

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A Good Apology

Steve Goodier writes Your Life Support column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Listen to this letter of apology: “Dear Dog, I am so sorry about you being sent to the dog pound for the broken lamp which you did not break; the fish you did not spill; and the carpet that you did not wet; or the wall that you did not dirty with red paint… Things here …

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