Category: Weld County Latest News

Helping Heroes Fly

The mission is to provide airfare to enlisted military personnel so they can come home to be with their families for holidays, and special occasions when they otherwise can’t afford a ticket. We believe finances should never keep a military hero from being with family. The inspiration is the sacrifice our military men and women …

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Smithsonian Exhibition Exploring the Global Water Story

Water is the most vital resource for life on Earth; no living thing exists without it. “H2O Today”—a new exhibition at the Greeley History Museum, 714 8th St.—examines the diversity and challenges of global water sources and promotes conversation, creativity and innovation through art, science and technology. Organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service …

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Parkinson Association speaks to Weld Senior Networking Group

At a recent meeting of the Weld Senior Networking Group, which is dedicated to serving the needs of Weld County Seniors, the group was enlightened by a presentation of the Parkinson Association Greeley-Weld Support Group whose primary focus is supporting, strengthening and empowering the Colorado Parkinson Community. The group learned exactly what is Parkinson’s Disease. The …

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Assistance League of Greeley Awards Scholarships

Assistance League of Greeley awarded 14 scholarships totaling $58,821.00 to single parents attending Aims Community College or the University of Northern Colorado. Recipients must be a resident of Weld County, be a custodial single parent with a minor child living in the home at least 50% of the time, and maintain a 3.0 undergraduate grade …

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Peaches For Hospice Returns To Benefit TRU Hospice Of Northern Colorado

TRU Hospice of Northern Colorado (TRU HNC), located at 2726 West 11th Street Road in Greeley, celebrates summer and community support with its 9th annual sale of fresh Palisade peaches to support hospice, with reservations open now and pick-up August 19, 2017. This summer tradition brings support to northern Colorado’s hometown hospice from across the …

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Windsor Community Playhouse Auditions

First is a fund-raiser production of three short one-act readers theatre shows. 1) Sorry Wrong Number; 2) Our Miss Brooks: “Puppy Love, Mr. Barlow and Miss Davis;” and 3) The Shadow: “The Isle of Fear.” Casting is for 8 men and 6 women. Auditions are Monday, July 24th at 6:30 p.m. at the playhouse. Rehearsals …

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A One Hundred Years Young

Fern Steele not long ago celebrated her 100th Birthday. She attributes her longevity to her being blessed with good health, her faith, and a loving, caring family. Fern is quick to add, staying active, having a positive attitude and laughing is excellent medicine. Fern is a big sports fan. She keeps tabs on the Rockies, Broncos …

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Painting a Landscape of Aging Through Film

The 8th Annual Film Festival presented at Kress Cinema in Greeley did just that. Over a period of two days, fourteen short films were shown depicting joys, challenges and, opportunities of life. Audiences could choose either the morning or afternoon showings. At the conclusion of each showing there was a discussion period where comments, questions …

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Greeley’s 2017 Arts Picnic is July 29 & 30

Greeley’s annual Arts Picnic celebrates 39 years of summertime fun Saturday, July 29, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, July 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Considered one of Northern Colorado’s best arts, crafts & music festivals, the Arts Picnic draws more than 20,000 people to Greeley’s historic Lincoln Park each year. …

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Honor Flight’s Annual Reunion Breakfast

In early June, the Honor Flight Northern Colorado (HFNC) chapter held its annual reunion breakfast at the Island Grove Events Center for their past honor flight veterans. Over 300 HFNC recipients attended the catered breakfast hosted by UC Health. Stan Cass, president of HFNC, opened the ceremony by thanking the veterans for their service, followed …

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Make the Weld County Fair Part of Your Summer Plans

The 99th annual Weld County Fair will be held July 26th through July 30th at Island Grove Regional Park in Greeley. There is no admission charge, no parking charge and all activities are free! Bring family, friends, and neighbors for a fun free day or two at the county fair! Every day there are free …

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Simplify With A Yard Sale

Provided by Garden Square at Westlake If your family is anything like mine, then you’ve probably gathered a few too many “treasures” over the years. It is so easy as your family expands and grows to gather all kinds of things that you will probably never need or use again. A solution? A huge yard …

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