Category: Social Security Today

Social Security Collaborates With America Saves Week

  A secure retirement is created from a lifetime of planning and saving. Each year, American Savings Education Council and America Saves coordinate America Saves Week. The week is an opportunity for organizations to promote good savings behavior and a chance for individuals to assess their own saving status. For years, Social Security has collaborated …

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Things to think about before applying for disability benefits

Social Security is with you throughout life’s journey. We’re here for you if the unexpected happens. We are there when you stop working. We provide vital financial support to tens of millions of American workers, primarily through retirement benefits, but also if the unexpected happens and a serious medical condition stops you from working and …

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Social Security Supports Veterans

Supporting veterans and active duty members of the military is a key part of Social Security’s mission. Our disability program has helped countless wounded warriors and their loved ones. Every Veterans Day, the nation collectively honors the brave people who risk their lives to protect our country. For those who return home with injuries, Social …

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Retiring Abroad?

By Josh Weller Here’s what you need to know about getting benefits overseas. Retiring outside of the United States can be an exciting way to spend your golden years. Perhaps retirement in Poland or Peru is in your plans. In many cases, it’s possible to receive your Social Security retirement benefits while living abroad. Our …

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Social Security Is There For Those Who Serve.

By Josh Weller The men and women who served our country in the military can count on Social Security to be there for them throughout their lives. Active duty military members earn credits toward Social Security retirement benefits. Wounded Warriors can receive expedited handling of their claims to receive disability benefits. We also provide survivor …

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It’s More Convenient than Ever to Apply for Benefits

You’ve worked hard your whole life, and receiving your Social Security benefits should be the icing on the cake at your retirement party. We’re working hard to make it as quick and seamless as possible for you to apply for benefits from Social Security. Simply visit to get started. Through our safe and secure …

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Top Five New Blog Posts

Social Security’s blog is a go-to source for news and resources. That’s why we named it Social Security Matters — it matters to everyone even if you don’t think you directly benefit from Social Security benefits today. The popularity of our blog has grown. We’d like to share some of our most popular posts with …

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Access Social Security Online Resources When You Travel

Social Security is here for you when you’re traveling, whether it’s just a state away or when you’re abroad. When you open a personal secure my Social Security account, you are in control of your finances and your future. With my Social Security, you can: • Request a replacement Social Security or Medicare card if …

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As Tax Day Approaches, Get Your Benefit Statement Online

Social Security is with you through life’s journey, putting you in control of your finances and future. With this in mind, we have made getting a replacement Social Security Benefit Statement even easier. Now you can instantly print or save a replacement anytime you want. That’s control! The Benefit Statement, also known as the SSA-1099 …

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Get Replacement Social Security Tax Forms Online

Tax time is fast approaching. Preparing your documents can seem overwhelming. Some forms and paperwork might be difficult to track down. Social Security has made it easy to track down your annual Benefit Statement. An SSA-1099, or your annual Benefit Statement, is a tax form Social Security mails each year in January to people who …

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