Category: Pets Are Family

Happy, Merry: Safe Holiday

  Tips for your pet The holiday season is upon us. For many, this is a time of peace, joy and the opportunity to spend time with others. For pets, it is a time of excitement, eating and new ‘toys’. With a little planning, the holidays can be fun for our furry family, too. There …

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Rabies Vaccination Is Important!

One of the more frequent questions asked by our clients is whether their pet really needs a rabies vaccine. The short answer: yes. And here’s why. Vaccination is still the best method we have for preventing this fatal disease. Rabies is a virus that attacks the central nervous system of most mammals, usually transmitted by …

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Dog Park Fun

  So, you may ask, what is a dog park? These are areas of land set aside for off-leash dog recreation. Dog parks are a great way for dogs to get in a good play session or can be a land mine of trouble for the unaware. Here are some tips for a successful day …

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Summer Fun for Your Dog

Summer time is a time for celebration and play. We go to parks, concerts, festivals and firework displays with family and friends. However, our four-legged family and friends might find these stressful and dangerous. Threats come from multiple directions. Noise: Concert and festival music can be fun for us but painful and damaging for our …

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All About Your Cat’s Sleeping Habits!

It’s a fact that cat owners know well: our feline friends sleep, and they sleep a lot. If you don’t see your cat playing or grooming itself during the day, there’s a good chance it’s off somewhere cozy, sleeping. In fact, cats spend nearly two-thirds of their lives asleep! Many first-time pet owners get concerned …

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Does You Dog Enjoy Watching TV?

Humans sit in front of the TV for hours each day, catching up on the news, watching a movie or binging shows on our favorite streaming service. For pet owners, TV time may appear to be bonding time, too—your pooch and you might lie snuggled on the couch. Your pup may even pay attention to …

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What to Know Before You Take Your Pup to the Dog Park!

Compliments of Pet Wellbeing by Dr. Janice Huntingford, DVM Dogs are extremely social creatures. While we often refer to them as “man’s best friend,” many dogs also love running around and playing with other dogs just like them. Dog parks are great local areas where your dog can run and play without a leash, socialize …

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Manual Versus Free Choice Feeding for Your Cat

Compliments of Pet Wellbeing by Dr. Janice Huntingford, DVM In the wild, cats are natural hunters. A wild cat might hunt down and eat 10 small meals per day, filled with meat because of their carnivorous diets! When it comes to domesticated cats, though, hunting for food isn’t an option or a necessity. It is …

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Pet Allergies

Five Reasons Your Dog Might be Itching Excessively and What to do About Them Reviewed by Dr. Janice Huntingford, DVM We want to keep our dogs as comfortable and happy as possible, which is why we worry when they seem to constantly be scratching, shaking or even gnawing at their skin at all hours of …

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Do Dogs Need Clothes?

Your pup might look cute dressed in a sweater on a cold day or in a funny costume for Halloween. But does dog clothing actually help your pet stay warm during the winter? Or does dog clothing only restrict your pup’s movements and not do much else? I have heard solid arguments for both sides. …

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Companion Pets Help Lonely or Dementia Seniors!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

The therapeutic and social benefits of animal companions have been well documented for years. In 1994, the National Pets & People survey in Australia was one of the first major studies to investigate the connection between pet ownership and human health. The study found that dog and cat owners had better mental and physical health, …

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Are You Feeding Your Dog Well?

Are Table Scraps OK? Dogs love to beg, and it’s OK to give in to those puppy eyes — but only once in a while. Table scraps and other treats should make up 10% or less of your dog’s diet. Don’t give him more than two small biscuits a day for every cup of food. …

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