By Colonel Ben L. Walton, US Army (Ret.) January is National Mentoring Month. The purpose of the 31 day celebration is to draw attention to the need for more volunteer mentors to help young people achieve their full potential in life as they grow. Inaugurated in 2002, the Harvard School of Public Health, MENTOR and …
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Jan 03 2017
New Beginnings
Celebrate the Grand Opening of 2017 By Marty Coffin Evans Open the windows, open the doors, welcome the New Year! What a time to celebrate all these next 365 days have to offer. Just what does “open” really mean for us? What do we open? What does it include? Familiar phrases or words such as …
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Dec 31 2016
Fighting the Flu
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as many as one in five Americans fall victim to the flu each year, while the number of colds suffered in the U.S. could be greater than a billion. With that, keeping your body healthy and immune system strong is imperative, especially for older adults, who …
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Dec 08 2016
Be on the Lookout for Holiday Scams
Santa isn’t the only one keeping track of who is naughty and who is nice! Better Business Bureau is warning consumers to beware of these common holiday scams: Be cautious shopping online. Because many retailers now have chip card readers, fraud at bricks-and-mortar stores is down, so scammers have shifted their efforts online. Use a credit (not debit) …
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Nov 24 2016
BBB Launches Holiday Helper Guide
The biggest shopping weekend of the year is fast approaching. Last year more than 151 million people shopped during the three-day weekend of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. If you plan to head out to the stores or shop online this holiday season, Better Business Bureau’s Holiday Helper Guide ( offers the following information and tips …
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Oct 30 2016
Better Business Bureau Sees a Huge Drop in Reports of IRS Scam Since Raid in India
Mumbai police shut down call center, arrest 70 suspects Arlington, VA (October 20, 2016) – The top scam reported to the Better Business Bureau is the tax scam (also known as the IRS scam), which has accounted for about one in four reports to BBB Scam Tracker during its first year of operation. But BBB …
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Oct 30 2016
Tips to Keep Your Neighborhood Safe
Amid recent headlines, which include mass shootings, terrorist attacks and typical everyday crime, it can be easy to feel unsafe. But individual citizens can take steps to make their homes and communities safer from many types of threats. At Home Does your family have a plan in the event of emergency? The Department of Homeland …
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Sep 27 2016
Online Statewide Trail Map Preview
The first phase of a comprehensive statewide trail map, a key component of Governor Hickenlooper’s Colorado the Beautiful initiative is now available online as work continues to complete the project. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) put a preview of the project, called the Colorado Trail System (CTS), online demonstrates the power of providing easy access …
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Sep 22 2016
Consumer Advisory
Consumer Resources A) To Remove Your Name From Mail/Phone Marketing Lists: 1. Register land-line and cell phones with the National Do Not Call Registry at, or by calling 1-888-382-1222. Once registered, it becomes permanent. 2. To remove your name from junk mail lists, write to the Mail Preference Services, PO Box 643, Carmel, NY …
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Sep 07 2016
National Lifespan Respite Conference 2016
Elevate Respite! The Colorado Respite Coalition and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Colorado-Wyoming Chapter in collaboration with the ARCH National Respite Network, Easter Seals Colorado, and the Colorado Department of Human Services hosts the 2016 National Lifespan Respite Conference in Denver on September 20- 22, 2016. The conference offers valuable, up-to-date information for families, …
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Aug 09 2016
Colorado Senior Lobby’s Summer Social August 20th
Join Colorado Senior Lobby (CSL) members in hearing what politicians have done or are working on to address the needs of seniors! Make new friends, enjoy good food and most importantly, let your voice be heard! Colorado Senior Lobby and the politicians attending are interested in hearing what issues are important to you! Colorado Senior …
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Aug 09 2016
Annual Publication Promotes Colorado Farmers’ Markets
Tis the season for pop-up tents, community gatherings and local foods—farmers’ markets. The Colorado Department of Agriculture’s 32nd annual Colorado Farm Fresh Directory helps consumers find farmers’ markets, roadside stands, u-picks, wineries and agritourism activities. “When tents start popping up in parking lots, everyone gets excited,” said Wendy White, marketing specialist for the Colorado Department …
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