Category: Latest News


With an abundance of caution and concern to protect the health and welfare of older adults as it relates to the transmission of Covid-19 (novel coronavirus), the recommendation of Governor Polis that we be especially mindful of keeping older adults safe, and a consultation with Wendy Bamberg, MD, Medical Epidemiologist, Colorado Department of Public Health, …

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What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus

How the U.S. is preparing for the spread of COVID-19, plus tips to stay healthy! Join AARP and federal health experts by telephone on Tuesday, March 10, at 1 p.m. (ET), for a special Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall event to learn about the symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus, how to protect yourself, and what it …

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How Old Can We Live?

It’s not about dying at a very ripe old age; it’s about preserving the quality of life as we grow old! “We live in a brave new world– an age of scientific shock and awe dominated by wonders that will never cease. Take the well-funded projects that seek to extend human life. One scientist, Aubrey …

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Beware of Grandparent Scam!

I spoke to several people this morning regarding the grandparent scam calls they received. Please be alert – these callers are getting pretty resourceful so be careful! Here are several examples of grandparent scams in Larimer County and Colorado:

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The Scientific Verdict on the Healthfulness of Eggs

We all know someone who insists on ordering egg whites at brunch. Surely an egg white omelette is healthier than one with yolk—if it’s even healthy at all. Americans have long been confused about eggs, especially when it comes to heart health. Despite the rise of the ketogenic diet (an eating habit for which eggs …

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Beware of Census Taker Scam!

Census Bureau scams are hard to spot and easy to fall for. We all want to do our duty and participate, BUT with so many impersonators, how can you know who to trust? The Census Bureau, like BBB and many other organizations, has its fair share of imposters, and they can be hard to spot. …

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BBB Valentine Advice: Be Careful With Online Dating Sites!

Success stories in ads for online dating services can make it sound like true love is just a click away. BBB serving Northern Colorado and Wyoming advises consumers to be aware of the limitations, costs, and terms of the services as well as the potential for fraud if your match turns out to be a …

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Hollywood Legend Kirk Douglas Dies at 103!

Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas has died on Wednesday, February 5 at 103 years old. The Hollywood icon (author, actor, director, producer, philanthropist, and goodwill ambassador) died peacefully at home surrounded by his children, grandchildren and his wife of 65 years, Anne Buydens Douglas, according to the actor’s longtime publicist Marcia Newberger. Kirk was born Issur …

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Give Your Pet’s Heart Some Extra Love for American Heart Month!

February is American Heart Month—not only for people, but for our furry friends, too! Regardless of whether you live in or outside of the USA, take some extra time this month to focus on your furry friend’s heart health and begin to build healthy habits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. …

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When Is a Memory Lapse a Reason to Get Medical Attention?

“Beyond a medical diagnosis of disease, the aches and pains of growing old can be worrisome. But the growing numbers of patients who have actually been diagnosed with dementia, including Alzheimer’s Disease, can cause concern among America’s aging population at large,” says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Most of …

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Traveling in Late 2020? You’ll Need a REAL ID!

You may have seen news stories or signs at the airport reminding you that starting Oct. 1, 2020, every U.S. resident will need a REAL ID-compliant license/ID, or another acceptable form of identification, to access Federal facilities and board commercial aircraft. Don’t panic — but do check the top right corner of your Colorado-issued driver …

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