Category: Latest News

Social Security Announces 2.5 Percent Benefit Increase for 2025

Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for more than 72.5 million Americans will increase 2.5% in 2025, the Social Security Administration announced today. On average, Social Security retirement benefits will increase by about $50 per month starting in January. Over the last decade the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase has averaged about 2.6%. …

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Medicare Open Enrollment Is Now Available Through December 7

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period is here! Visit their website at now through December 7 to compare all your coverage options. You could save money, find better coverage, or both! If you decide to enroll in a different option, your new coverage will start January 1. Good news! Starting in 2025, all Medicare plans will …

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Rocky Mountain Geriatric Conference

In September, the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center’s Multidisciplinary Center on Aging in Aurora hosted the 26th annual Rocky Mountain Geriatrics Conference & Community Research Symposium. The two-day event began with an introduction by Dr. Vineet Chopra, Chair for Anschutz’s Dept of Medicine and Dr. Cari Levy, Chair of Anschutz’s Division of Geriatrics. Ms …

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Six Tips to Stay on Top of Fraudster’s Latest Tricks!

Identity theft is reportedly a growing threat as fraudsters evolve to be savvier and more sophisticated. There have been more than 1,300 data breaches already in 2024, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. It’s no surprise an Experian survey found that many consumers are wising up to the risk, with over half the U.S. …

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RMNP – Trail Ridge Road is Closed to Through Travel for the 2024 Season

Today, Friday, October 25, Trail Ridge Road (U.S. Highway 34) inside Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) officially closed for the season to through travel. With 11 miles of road located at elevations above 11,500 feet, few guard rails, and no shoulders, Trail Ridge Road is not designed to be an all-season road. Winter conditions of …

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CDC Advises Older Americans Need RSV Vaccine!

If you are 75 or older, or 60 to 74 with chronic health problems such as heart or lung disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says you should get an RSV vaccine by early fall. This is a change from last year, when the CDC was less urgent about the vaccine before …

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Ready for Open Enrollment? Four Tips for Choosing the Right Medicare Plan!

With so many Medicare options available, selecting a plan can seem daunting. Medicare is the government health insurance program for Americans 65 and older and others who qualify, providing hospital coverage (Part A) and physician visits (Part B) to beneficiaries. Additionally, there are a variety of options that coordinate with original Medicare, such as Medicare …

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Alzheimer’s Blood Test Seen As Highly Accurate

A blood test is about 90 percent accurate in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in people experiencing problems thinking and remembering, says a study by a team of Swedish researchers published in the medical journal JAMA.c The blood test and others like it are not widely available to patients, but they could be soon. That would be …

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Get the Facts on Healthy Aging!

Nearly 58 million Americans are 65 and older, with projections estimating that the population of older adults will grow to 88.8 million in 2060. On average, a 65-year-old can expect to live another 18.9 years. For most of us, good health ensures independence, security, and productivity as we age. Yet millions of older adults are …

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iPostal1 Service Reveals Colorado Tops Lost Mail Study

New research has revealed the states where your mail is most likely to be lost, with Colorado taking the top spot. Experts in digital mailboxes at iPostal1 analyzed the average number of monthly Google searches in each state for over 150 terms related to lost mail, including ‘USPS mail recovery’ and ‘FedEx lost mail.’ The …

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Managing Your Retirement Savings

Managing your retirement finances usually means investing for the long run and not sweating short-term market movements. But there’s one point when the short term is very important. That’s the first few years of retirement, when big losses can jeopardize your financial security much more than a downturn later on. Imagine two 65-year-old women, Andrea …

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Colorado’s Strong Tourism Industry Continues to Grow!

Today, the Colorado Tourism Office (CTO), a division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), released the 2023 annual tourism industry research reports that showed Colorado’s continued strong and steady tourism growth with $28.2 billion in travel spending and 93.3 million visitors in 2023, boosting our statewide and local economy. According …

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