Category: Latest News

Rocky Mountain National Park 2022 Planning

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the busiest national parks; third in the country in 2019, with over 4.6 million visitors. This represents a 42 percent increase in visitation in seven years, since 2012. Rapid growth in day use visitation and changing use patterns in the park have degraded natural and cultural resources, diminished …

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A Message for Russian President Vladimir Putin!

Mr Putin: Do the world a favor and drink your own poison that you gave your opposition! Save the world a lengthy criminal war crimes trial! You have proven that you are in the same ranks as your fallen dictator heroes Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mussolini, Qdaffi, and other sociopaths that have no regard for …

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We Must Unplug from Russia and China!

America is no longer buying energy or vodka from Russia. Russians can no longer buy a McDonald’s hamburger. They can’t pay for their gasoline with a Visa, Mastercard or even an American Express card. One thousand Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants have ceased operations in Russia. How tough can life become? For a better picture of …

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Advances in Medicine Help Seniors Live Better, Longer!

Advancements in medicine are making life better and longer for senior citizens. The pandemic played havoc with life span statistics. Americans were living longer and better consistently until the Covid outbreak. The life expectancy in 1946 when the first baby boomers were born stood at 64.4 years for men and 69.4 for women. Seven decades …

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Enough is Enough!

After that famous photo in the New York Times and other world newspapers of a Ukrainian woman and her children laying dead in the street after being killed by Russian soldiers as they were fleeing should tell the world Russia has no intention of stopping the war in Ukraine. This is typical of genocide tactics. …

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Dating After 50: What You Need to Know

In the U.S., approximately 27% of adults age 60 and older live alone. Within this group, women are more likely than men to live by themselves (20% vs. 11%). Living solo can be a positive experience for many people: You can watch what you want on TV, come and go as you please, and make …

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U.S., European, and Other World Leaders Condemn Russia’s Invasion Against Ukraine!

U.S., European, and other world leaders condemn Russia’s actions against Ukraine are justifiable! To invade an innocent country after Russia promised U.S and European leaders would NOT invade Ukraine, President Putin is portrayed as just another Adolph Hitler! U.S and European leaders are helping Ukraine President Zelensky and their citizens in many ways by providing …

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Team USA Wins 25 Medals at Winter Olympics!

The Winter Olympics in Beijing, China is finally complete after two weeks of exhausting trials and runs by the athletes who competed in this year’s events. Team USA came in sixth with a total of 25 medals. Norway as usual came in #1 with 37 medals. Team USA had several new gold medalists including Nathan …

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Rocky Mountain National Park Continues Timed Entry Permit Reservations

Rocky Mountain National Park will be implementing a timed entry temporary permit reservation system beginning on May 27, 2022. The reservation permit system is similar to that used in 2021. Two types of reservations will be available. One permit will be for the Bear Lake Road Corridor, which includes the entire corridor, as well as …

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Valentine’s Day History & Traditions

Valentine’s Day is a festival of romance that celebrates love and relationships. Celebrated on February 14th, it is often marked by giving gifts to and spending time with loved ones. Valentine’s Day actually started as a religious celebration. The holiday commemorated the line of Christian saints under the name Valentinus. The Roman emperor Claudius had …

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Team USA Climbing Fast at 2022 Winter Olympics!

Halfway through the first week of the 2022 Winter Olympics, it seemed Team USA wasn’t doing very well, but they are now catching up fast on the medal count! As of Sunday evening (2/13), Team USA is in third place with 14 medals. Norway has the most with 21 medals! After Mickela Shiffrin’s disappointing results …

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February Is National Cancer Prevention Month!

Research has shown that more than 40 percent of all cancers diagnosed and nearly half of all deaths from cancer in the United States can be attributed to preventable causes – things like smoking, excess body weight, physical inactivity, and excessive exposure to the sun. As a result, steps like quitting smoking (or never starting …

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