Category: Genealogy Rocks


Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Genealogists are often seen as older people who are familiar with history and use records that end with the 1940 census. When a Millennial, someone born between the early 1980s and 1995, comes to us and asks us to ‘find their family,’ we may not have the answer. Millennials born in 1982 are 35 years …

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Becoming a Computer Power User

Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

By Carol Darrow Is your computer your enemy or your friend? Do you use your computer for just reading and sending emails or just playing games? I want to take this opportunity to tell you that you live in amazing times. You have the world of information at your fingertips – and that includes for …

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Just the Facts

Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

By Carol Darrow The best starting place for your search for ancestors is It’s available for free to use at Denver, Aurora, Westminster and Jefferson County public libraries as well as at the microfilm reading room at the National Archives located on Huron St. one half mile west of I-25 and Hwy 7 north …

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Rewriting History

Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

I was shown a photograph of someone’s ancestor – and the owner of the photo assured me that it a picture of her 3rd great-grandfather taken in 1825. The gentleman was wearing denim bib overalls. A quick check on indicates that one-piece bib overalls date from the 1850s. More importantly, photography itself was not …

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Free Genealogy Websites

You don’t have to spend a lot of money doing online genealogy research. There are many free websites available in the U.S. and other countries. The Family History Library,, includes many indexes, pedigree files, and the Family History Library catalog. U.S. records include state and federal census records. You can search the library catalog, note the microfilm …

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Don’t Overlook Lineage Societies

An often overlooked resource for research is lineage societies. Find fellow descendants of your ancestors, share research, or find that missing link through lineage societies. There seems to be one for every war or important event in history. There are several major lineage societies that have specialized collections of genealogical information. It is worth investigating …

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Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Each element of genealogy, whether census records, land records or probate records, require learning about how and when these records were created, who created them and what exactly was included in those records. A probate process is used to determine how a property will be administered and distributed after a person’s death. If there is …

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Begin at the Beginning

Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

I’ve taught Beginning Genealogy classes for several years and find that few people who attend these classes are real beginners. On average, people come to Beginning Genealogy after they’ve spent one to five years learning it on their own. They’ve found some records and they’ve found some relatives – but they complain about major brick …

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Sharing Family Memories

Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

With holiday gatherings in full swing, now is a great time to interview witnesses. Ask the people around the table what they remember about the old farm or the house in the big city where they lived. How, exactly, did they meet their spouse? How long was the courtship? Why did they decide to elope? …

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Technology Benefits Genealogists!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Since the beginning of genealogy centuries ago, antiquarians, past genealogists, and family historians recorded their results on paper. After years of research, lots of paper and storage were required. Today, genealogy researchers and family historians use computers with family tree software or online trees with optional scanners or digital cameras to record their research. Computers …

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Land Records Part 2

by Ceil Damschroder After the Revolutionary War, some of the 20 State Land States, (the 13 original colonies plus 7) ceded their westward sections of land to the Federal Government. The Federal Government then had lots of land and very little money. It was determined that the land should be surveyed and sold or given …

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Do-It- Yourself Research

Carol Cooke Darrow writes Geneology Rocks! column in 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

If you’ve been watching “Who Do You Think You Are,” you may be impressed that the expert genealogists find records and trace families back five, six, or seven generations in less than an hour. It can be exciting! But a visit by Joshua Taylor, genealogist and host of the current “Genealogy Roadshow,” let us in …

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