Category: Denver Metro Latest News

Greenridge Place Drive Through Art Exhibition

“Reflections” photography masterpiece encouraged all our resident families to participate in one of the arts. This family event is in observance of National Parent’s Day on Tuesday August 4th at 12 noon. We will hand out lunch to all who RSVP! Our “ Reflections ” event involve our seniors taking part in a photography session …

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Aging2.0 Group Researches Nutrition to Longevity

As the impact of health becomes more recognized, researchers are seeing a greater role for food and nutrition in maintaining good health in older age as well as in illness prevention and recovery. The Aging2.0 Collective Group is researching a new initiative around food and nutrition. The American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging website suggests …

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PBS12 Offers Online Ageism Series – On The Same pAGE

On The Same pAGE – Changing the Narrative, a Colorado-based campaign to increase understanding of ageism and to shift how Coloradans think about aging, and PBS12 are presenting an online series of six intergenerational conversations. Each panel will bring together leaders from across generations to discuss the current and future landscape on a wide range …

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National Anti-Boredom Month

July is National Anti-Boredom Month. How did the seventh month of the year earn this dubious honor? In 1984, writer and PR professional Alan Caruba founded the Boring Institute as a joke while watching that year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. He put out a press release describing the parade as boring, and even claimed the …

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Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum Now Open!

The Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum is excited to announce that, in alignment with local civic public health guidelines, it reopened to the public on June 25, with normal hours of operation: Thursdays from 10 to 2, and Saturdays from 9 to 3. Visitors must wear masks and keep 6 feet distance between non-family units. Museum …

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Make Food Safety a Priority

In this difficult time of physical distancing and curtailed outdoor activities, it’s heartening to see the outpouring of generosity to older adults from friends and neighbors, often in the form of donated meals. It’s also wonderful to see those pitching in by doing the shopping, cooking, or food delivery to older adults in need. Whether …

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Why The Poppy Is A Symbol Of Memorial Day

In the war-torn battlefields of Europe, the common red field poppy (Papaver rhoeas) was one of the first plants to reappear. Its seeds scattered in the wind and sat dormant in the ground, only germinating when the ground was disturbed—as it was by the very brutal fighting of World War 1. John McCrae, a Canadian …

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Tips for Homeowners Facing Hardship During the Pandemic

Many families, hourly wage earners, and seniors on fixed incomes have fears of hardship in the near term as a result of the pandemic. Some worry about their finances in terms of weeks, some only days, much less months that are potentially needed for full recovery. ‘Shelter in place – stay at home’ Those phrases …

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Denver Community Donates Supplies to Support Essential Workers

From hand sewn face coverings to medical gowns, Denver residents and businesses have donated thousands of items of personal protective equipment (PPE) to support essential workers. In addition to the community donations, Denver is also receiving shipments of much needed PPE throughout the week. The shipments include critical supplies of surgical and N-95 masks, face …

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Remodeling Considerations Planning Is Key

Planning on doing some home remodeling this spring or summer? You are not alone. Home improvement spending among homeowners age 55 and over, according to a report issued by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, is currently at record levels and is projected to increase by more than 10 percent at the …

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Stay The Course

Markets are panicked right now, and it can feel like uncertainty is here to stay. It felt like this during the financial crisis of 2007-08, the .com bust in 2000, and in the wake of 9/11 in 2001. But if history is any guide, the country and the economy have repeatedly recovered from moments of …

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How Retirement Communities Are Coping

Retirement communities have had to immediately change how we safely deal with keeping the virus out of our buildings. At the beginning of the outbreak, we started by having any visitors check in with the receptionist, fill out a form that says you do not have any symptoms and then having your temperature checked. As …

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