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Multiple Solutions


Print Ads

wcvr2-13w50 Plus Marketplace News offers a variety of single or packaged solutions to meet your advertising budget. Besides our monthly print editions, we offer several creative advertising solutions in digital, social media, and video formats. All these formats have been road tested by our many advertisers, who claim each method has its distinct advantages as noted below.

We offer various sizes and packages for our many different ad sizes including Business Parter ads and our special event inserts on major events such as Senior Connections, Salute to Seniors Expos, and Senior Law Day trade shows along the front range!

Our print editions have their advantages for advertisers who want to brand their business with a consistent message to the older baby boomers from 45 to 65 through WWII and silent generations past age 65. New advertisers can see the benefits of advertising in our print editions with new products or services for these demographics. We offer four print editions across 10 counties to reach your desired demographics from age 40 through retirement ages.


Online Ads

BC MOWx 130Online ads are a great marketing tool to promote businesses to our 40 plus demographics. Our digital banner ads provided on our website includes several options to promote your message to your desired demographics. With the advancement of home computers and smartphones, our website is both home and mobile user friendly. This means all users can view the contents very easily without zooming in or readjusting the screen. Advertisers feel our banner ads provide many cost effective benefits including lower advertising costs and using new responsive technologies that appeal to our 40 to 65 age demographics.

We offer three options for our online banner ads as shown on our home or specific edition webpages and also on our Facebook page. Our advertisers have the ability to direct their online banner ad to their website (always free) or to a responsive digital or video ad for more appeal. Our responsive ads include an email form for visitors to inquire on your products or services.



Video Ads

Video ads are becoming the new advertising medium for small and medium businesses. With the popularity of YouTube and other video distribution channels, videos are becoming more popular with online users for seeking information on products and services. Videos can be placed on our or your website, Facebook, or YouTube media channels. Even ad agencies are switching to online video ads versus TV ads for higher penetration to many different demographic markets. Our video ads are very affordable and we can provide you with the monthly tracking results for your video.

Please watch this two minute video to learn about our multiple video solutions!

For a demonstration or quote on any single or packaged advertising/marketing solution, please contact our sales team at 303-694-5512 or Email us.

Thank you for visiting our website!

50 Plus Marketplace News is a subsidiary of 50 Plus Media Solutions, Inc.

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