What’s Cookin’?

This is our final breakfast installment. Remember, I think this meal is the best of the day.

Breakfast meats have gone out of style. The day of a big pork chop or a rasher of bacon has disappeared, but there are some excellent nutritional favorites. I like turkey and chicken sausage, Canadian bacon, or turkey ham. For protein there is also almond or cashew butter.

Another category is cereal, hot and cold. One nutritionist recommends oatmeal twice a week, A little much, but do add dried fruits. In addition there are grits, cream of wheat, or rice. The cold variety with fruit has endless possibilities – flakes, shredded wheat, grains, granola, muesli or others.

What you put on toast is an important matter. I was brought up to have something sweet each morning. The most prevalent was preserves. Years ago, we got buckets of strawberry preserves from New Orleans. I never tasted anything better. In addition there is peach, blueberry or raspberry. ln the jelly area damson plum can be one of the greatest opportunities ever for breakfast. There is also red currant, quince and guava jelly. All are fine. My favorite is orange marmalade. In addition there is lemon or mixed berry marmalade.

Honey is a wonderful choice. It now comes in regional flavors – wildflower, orange blossom, clover to mention a few. One of the newest offerings is cinnamon honey. Absolutely delicious. In the syrup area there is maple syrup, corn syrup and molasses. Maple is so outstanding that it leaves the others in its wake, whatever you choose be sure and have variety. I think it is wonderful to have two or three toppings for your toast available in your refrigerator.

Breakfast is an individual matter. I have one friend who eats no fruit, drinks only orange juice. I have another who makes his own granola and that is it, time is important.

To have a proper breakfast takes 15-20 minutes. If you are in a hurry this meal is where you can cut. Please do not. I hope these ideas have been helpful and that you will find your own answers to a plan that suits you.

Eggs Florentine
1/2 box frozen chopped spinach (or fresh)
2 Tbs. olive oil
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. celery salt
Salt and pepper
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 cup medium white sauce
1 onion, chopped
4 egg whites and 2 yolks

Cook spinach in microwave and drain, Season with lemon juice, celery salt, salt, pepper and half of the nutmeg, Prepare the white sauce. Saute the onion in olive oil and add to white sauce.
Place spinach mixture in a shallow 1 quart baking dish. Break eggs over spinach mixture. Top with white sauce and remaining nutmeg. Bake at 325° for 15 to 20 minutes or until eggs are set.

Yield: 2 servings

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