The Conversation Project – How to Have Difficult End-of-Life Conversations

Join us for “The Conversation Project” presentation to help spark your thinking about you and your loved ones desires, when it comes to healthcare and advocacy, in the event of serious illness or as the end-of-life draws near. By having “The Conversation” you will choose who will speak for you when you cannot speak for yourself and letting your loved ones know your wishes. The Conversation Project reaches out to all adults and is especially beneficial to families caring for their aging loved ones. It’s never too early to start having “The Conversation”.

If you are associated with a group that you believe would benefit from having a “The Conversation Project” presentation contact Mindy Rickard at The Bridge 970-339-0022, Donna Forrest at Life Changes 970-999-5169 or Christine Cunningham at Hospice of Northern Colorado 970-352-8487. You may also contact them for a list of up-coming presentations.

(l-r) Christine Cunningham, Hospice of Northern Colorado, Patti Welfare, Aspen Club

(l-r) Christine Cunningham, Hospice of Northern Colorado, Patti Welfare, Aspen Club

(l-r) Donna Forrest, Certified Aging Life Care Manager, Mindy Rickard, General Manager, The Bridge At Greeley
(l-r) Donna Forrest, Certified Aging Life Care Manager, Mindy Rickard, General Manager, The Bridge At Greeley


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