Rewilding Program

The Boulder Colorado organization, “Rewilding” is looking to change the way prison rehabilitation is done in NYC. Through collaboration with six New York City transition programs Rewilding is introducing Colorado adventures into the rehabilitation process. Formerly incarcerated men and women have the chance to connect with nature and people, climb mountains, practice yoga, farm and most importantly broaden horizons. Experiences designed to inspire individuals, introduce new ideas, places and ways. We want to encourage personal growth, hope and belief.

Currently award winning director Doug Metzger is making a film about the project. The film hopes to attract the attention and support needed for Rewilding to expand their program and their reach.

The film follows a formerly incarcerated young man from The Bronx named Anthony DeJésus, on his adventure of a lifetime. Using this film, Rewilding shows what this addition to transition programs means and hopes to attract the support and funding needed to expand their reach.

Learn more about the Rewilding project and their film at their kickstarter page

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