Good for Colorado’s Economy

The 2024 legislative session delivered real results for Colorado businesses of all sizes and positioned the state’s economy to continue to thrive. From nation-leading investments to strengthen Colorado’s workforce and create housing Coloradans can afford near job centers to cutting taxes and increasing certainty for business leaders, Colorado is doubling down on its commitment to be the best place to start and grow a business.

Governor Jared Polis

“We delivered real results this legislative session. Colorado’s strong economy will continue to lead the nation and pave the way for the sectors of tomorrow. By increasing access to housing workers can afford, cutting sales and income taxes, saving Coloradans and businesses money on property taxes, and investing to make life in Colorado more liveable, affordable, and sustainable, we are ensuring Colorado remains the best state for workers to thrive and business to grow and expand in,” said Governor Polis.

Colorado’s economy remains strong. According to U.S. News & World Report, Colorado ranks fourth in the nation for best economy, best business environment, and employment. Cities across the state continue to make the “best places to live” list, with Colorado Springs up five spots to number three and Fort Collins also making the list.

To maintain Colorado’s economic competitiveness and strengthen the state’s business-friendly environment, the Colorado Office of Economic Development, and International Trade (OEDIT) has identified key areas to best support the growth of Colorado businesses. These include continued efforts to increase the supply and reduce the cost of housing, which impact employee recruitment and retention, and saving businesses and Coloradans money. Historic achievements from the 2024 legislative session will advance many of these priorities.

“Companies choose Colorado for our top talent, our diverse portfolio of advanced and growing industries, and our collaborative and stable ecosystem. Colorado is sending a strong signal to employers that this is the best place to do business,” said OEDIT Executive Director, Eve Lieberman.

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