Cheyenne VA Launches Veterans Foster Home Program!

VA Cheyenne has launched a Medical Foster Home (MFH) Program allowing Vets to remain in their community, maintain their social connections, and participate in everyday family life. The program is an innovative alternative to nursing homes, offering 24-hour supervision and personal help in a family setting. Veterans who require nursing home-level care but prefer a non-institutional setting benefit from the personalized help in the program. VA thoroughly vets and trains caregivers. Veterans in the MFH program receive comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary team, including medical providers, nurses, psychologists, dietitians, pharmacists, therapists, social workers, and chaplains.

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Amy Windschitl, the program’s coordinator, brings a wealth of professional experience and personal understanding to her role at the new foster home program. Her journey at VA began in Central Iowa’s Caregiver Support Program, where she developed a deep understanding and appreciation for Veterans’ intricate needs. “I’ve seen the challenges our older Veterans face,” said Windschitl. “They’ve sacrificed so much. It’s our turn to enhance their quality of life.” Her vision is to foster a supportive and nurturing environment for every Veteran. “As you age, VA Cheyenne will be there every step of the way,” said Windschitl.

Studies on VA medical foster homes show that medical foster homes are an effective alternative for long-term care. These studies also highlight meaningful improvements in Veterans’ quality of life and well-being in a family-centric setting. The research also finds these homes to be more cost-effective than traditional nursing homes, with better health outcomes for Veterans.

The Cleland-Dole Act allows VA to cover the cost for eligible Veterans who are 70% service-connected or higher and qualify for VA-paid long-term care. However, suppose a Veteran does not meet these requirements. In that case, the Veterans or their caretakers will handle all costs associated with the MFH program. If you feel moved to open your home and heart to a Veteran, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Amy Windschitl at 970-361-5126.

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