Veterans Honoring Veterans Statue Presentations

Veterans Honoring Veterans (VHV) is an organization of veterans and supporters whose mission is to honor US military veterans in Northern Colorado and beyond by presenting them with a commemorative statue of their branch of service. Presentation of statues are made on the first and third Saturday at the PAMVET (Proud American Veteran) breakfast at the Golden Corral restaurant (1360 Sculpture Dr.) off Highway 34 in Loveland, CO.

In July, nine veterans were honored with statues as shown in the two photos below. On occasion, a bagpiper plays for the veterans as a remembrance for their service and our fallen heroes.

July 1 awards pictured l-r: John Howard, Donald Barrett, Dana Howard, Bob Larson, Roger Leaf, & Dean Nelson

July 15 awards pictured l-r: bagpiper & veteran Marti Mace, Brenton, grandson of Connie Jorkos, mother of SPC Michael Jorokos (being honored), and Lawrence & Michelle Raimer.

Founder Bart Bartholomew and his staff have presented nearly 650 statues to Northern Colorado veterans with the financial assistance of multiple donors.

PAMVET is a gathering of veterans that started in 2008 with two veterans. Today, PAMVET has over 100 veterans meeting every Saturday morning. Each meeting begins with the Pledge of Allegiance, a prayer, the sharing of pertinent veteran information, and networking with each other during the breakfast ceremony.

Thanks to the donors who have given financial support to this beneficial organization! VHV invites you to the Northern Colorado PAMVET breakfast Club on Saturday mornings from 8:00am – 10:00am. The price of breakfast buffet is $12 (not including tip). Visit their website at to learn more.

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