County Clerk Angela Myers Announces Retirement

After almost a decade of exceptional service to the Larimer County community, Clerk and
Recorder Angela Myers has announced her retirement, effective May 31, 2023. During her
tenure, Myers has been instrumental in modernizing and streamlining Clerk and Recorder
operations, ensuring that all community members received efficient and effective services.

Clerk Angela Myers

Myers is praised for her commitment to fair, secure elections and innovative leadership. In
accordance with Colorado state law, the Larimer Board of County Commissioners is charged
with filling the Office of Clerk and Recorder vacancy. The appointment will fill the vacancy
until the 2024 general election when the remaining two years of the term vacancy will be filled
by election. On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the
appointment of long-time Clerk & Recorder employee Tina Harris during their weekly
Administrative Matters meeting.

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