Genealogy TV Shows Help Genealogists Discover Their Roots!

by Bob Larson

A recent Nielsen TV survey indicated genealogy TV shows are becoming more popular with genealogists and the general public. The most popular genealogy TV shows are Who Do You Think You Are? on The Learning Channel, and Genealogy Roadshow, Finding Your Roots, and History Detectives on PBS-TV. Each uses a slightly different format in researching someone’s ancestors. WDYTYA uses popular U.S. celebrities, who search for an interesting ancestor with the help of professionals.

Lots of domestic and international travel with advanced research techniques are involved in many episodes.

Genealogy Roadshow selects average U.S. citizens to research an interesting story about their ancestors with the help of professional genealogists, who have researched the ancestors in advance to save time.

Finding Your Roots uses technology such as DNA and professional researchers focusing on international celebrities searching for their ancestors. Overseas trips are included for the international celebrities in telling their interesting stories. Many of the ancestor stories have to do with conflicts to make the story more appealing.

History Detectives uses a combination of regular staff members and technology including forensic genealogy, archeology, and basic research techniques to resolve a mystery associated with an antique item sent to them in finding someone’s ancestor. This year, a special investigation series focused on the disappearance of the popular bandleader Glenn Miller during WWII and Jimmy Hoffa, a notorious teamster leader in the 1970s.

All these TV shows can be seen currently on network TV and repeated on their website after the regular TV broadcast. Readers can look up the TV shows in the TV guide or search them on the web.

~ Bob Larson is an instructor and regional speaker for the Larimer County Genealogical Society. Visit their website at or their Facebook page at for their many monthly events.

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