Team USA Climbing Fast at 2022 Winter Olympics!

Halfway through the first week of the 2022 Winter Olympics, it seemed Team USA wasn’t doing very well, but they are now catching up fast on the medal count! As of Sunday evening (2/13), Team USA is in third place with 14 medals. Norway has the most with 21 medals! After Mickela Shiffrin’s disappointing results in the slalom and Super G skiing events, it looked dismal for Team USA. We do hope she can medal in the last skiing event!

Nathan Chen Gold Medalist

Today’s events with the Team USA women winning the MonoBobsled and 500m speed skating events and Chloe Kim in halfpipe events, Team USA is looking much better! How about Nathan Chen in the men’s figure skating event obtaining gold?

I do have one comment on the ice dancing figure skating in today’s event. Obviously I’m not a judge, but I don’t see how France got the Gold when the Russians and especially both Team USA teams were superior in their performances with the special tricks they did on their technical merits. The French team lacked in that area!

Overall the Chinese government did a wonderful job in hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics considering what the Japanese went through with the 2020 (actually 2021) Summer Olympics. I’m not a big fan of the current Chinese government because of their pandemic issue, human rights, and pet fur trade, but I do give them some kudos! Now if we can get the Chinese government to lay off taking over the Taiwan government and the Russians to stand down taking over Ukriane, we would have a much better and peaceful world! Isn’t that what the Olympics is supposed to be about in promoting peace? We and the European Union spend millions of tax payers dollars being the peace keepers (NATO) of the world when the lackluster United Nations should be doing that job! Go Team USA!

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