Container Gardens Are Ideal!

By Sandra McMillen

Container gardening has grown in popularity as more people opt for low-maintenance living with limited outdoor space. They are an easy way to create vibrant floral arrangements or grow your own fresh vegetables and herbs.

Creating these gardens can be fun and easy. Local greenhouses offer a variety of pots and plants and have knowledgeable staff to assist you in your selections. While shopping for containers and plants, keep three things in mind – the location and amount of sun or shade it receives, the types of plants you want to grow and the size and mobility of the pot.

Tall, thin containers add height to tall plants and low growing plants look better in short containers. Once the pots have been chosen, get creative with selecting the plants. Pots full of colorful blooms can be created by mixing perennial varieties and many vegetables and herbs grow well in containers.

Planting your garden is the easiest step! Begin by filling half of your container with a good potting soil and then arrange each plant in the pot beginning with the tallest, until you achieve the look you want. To create full looking floral containers do not follow plant spacing directions, instead plant your blooms tightly together and backfill around the plants with dirt until the pot is full. Fertilize your pots and water them thoroughly, then place them in their desired locations. Check them daily to assess their water needs and fertilize weekly to encourage continued growth. In the excess time you now have, sit back on your patio and enjoy your creations. After all, this is why you chose low maintenance living!

Courtesy of Good Samaritan Society, Water Valley Senior Living Resort, Windsor. Learn more about Good Samaritan Society, Water Valley Senior Living Resort. Call 970-674-5517 or 970-674-5529.

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