Boulder Recognized on Climate Control!

The City of Boulder has been recognized as a global leader on environmental action and transparency by CDP, an international nonprofit that collects environmental data. This recognition places Boulder on CDP’s Cities A List for the third year in a row.
“Tracking our progress is an important part of our climate work, but it’s not the whole story,” said Interim Director of Climate Initiatives Jonathan Koehn. “We just continue to use that data to help us determine where to focus our efforts and resources as we take on this global challenge.”

Climate Control

CDP publishes its Cities A List to demonstrate how cities are leading on transparency and ambitious environmental action. Boulder is among just 95 cities around the globe to receive the top rating this year. To score an A, a city must have a rigorous citywide emissions inventory, set an emissions reduction target, publish a climate action plan and complete a climate resiliency plan to demonstrate how it will tackle climate hazards now and in the future.

The city’s greenhouse gas emissions data is available on the city’s open data dashboard, Boulder Measures. Since 2018, the Boulder community has reduced emissions by 22%, even as the city’s population and gross domestic product grew. Last month, the city formally adopted new, more aggressive climate targets. Boulder now seeks to achieve an 70% reduction in emissions by 2030 and become net zero by 2035.

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