Fort Collins Joins Global Climate Accord!

December 12 marks the five-year anniversary of the world coming together to sign onto the Paris Agreement. The City of Fort Collins joined over a thousand leaders from local governments, businesses, universities, and other institutions across the country as part of the “America Is All In” multi-sector statement. The Paris Climate Accord Agreement goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. To achieve this long-term temperature goal, countries aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible to achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century.

This multi-sector statement will be delivered to the incoming White House administration, as well as to United Nations officials and global heads of state at the Climate Ambition Summit hosted by the United Kingdom. “Fort Collins has been a leader in climate action planning since its first plan was adopted in 1999, and these efforts are truly launching our community toward a clean energy future,” said Fort Collins Mayor Wade Troxell. “Reaffirming the We Are Still In pledge aligns with the work already in progress through the Our Climate Future planning effort.”

The “America Is All In” declaration is organized by “We Are Still In,” a coalition in support for climate action and a pledge to uphold the United States commitments to reduce emissions under the Paris Agreement. With more than 3,900 organizations and institutions across all sectors of the United States, these leaders represent over half of the national population, nearly two-thirds of the economy, and more than half of the country’s emissions. View the statement and signatories at The City of Fort Collins recently received an award for their work related to climate action. The Regional Air Quality Council designated Fort Collins a “Clean Air Champion” for its lawn and garden and fleet electrification efforts.

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