Colorado Coronavirus Vaccine Plan

As the first FDA authorized doses of vaccine for COVID-19 are now being administered, we wanted to share this update with you. COVID-19 vaccines produced by both Pfizer and Moderna have now received emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Vaccine shipments from these manufacturers are now arriving in Colorado and states across the nation. Currently, all vaccines are purchased by the federal government and distributed to states. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has set up a distribution plan for the vaccine with three phases. The first phase, which began last week, requires the vaccine to be provided for health care workers as well as staff and patients in residential nursing facilities.

The CDPHE expects to move into phase two this spring. At that time the vaccine should be available for patients over the age of 65 and those with higher-risk medical conditions. Phase three, when the COV-ID-19 vaccine is available for the general public, should open this summer. As the vaccine becomes avail-able in future phases, CDPHE will begin making it available to the public. Phase two vaccinations are likely to start in the spring of 2021. Please visit the CDPHE website for more details on vaccine distribution at Article courtesy of CDPHE.

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