Colorado Statewide Townhall Meeting on COVID 19 Vaccine

Many Fox Network stations in Colorado held an important statewide townhall meeting on December 21 for all Coloradoans on the recently FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine. The townhall panel included Governor Jared Polis, Brig. General Scott Sherman with the Colorado National Guard, Dr Eric France with CO Dept. of Health, Dr. Rachel Herlihy the state epidemiologist, Dr. Reginald Washington with Presbyterian St. Luke’s Hospital, and Jeremy Hulsker with UCHealth.

Governor Jared Polis

Governor Polis announced Pfizer and Moderna first allotment of vaccines have been received and is being distributed throughout the state. He said all healthcare workers and first responders will receive the first vaccine doses, then all long-term residents and their workers, followed by adults over age 75 in January and 65 plus in February, then the general population starting in March

General Sherman indicated all vaccines are being distributed to the Colorado locations having the necessary equipment to store and distribute the vaccine.

Jeremy is a male nurse at UCHealth receiving the first dose and said the vaccine is very safe. He had just a mild soreness much like the annual flu shot. After one week, he feels no major side effects and encourages all Coloradoans to get the vaccine.

Dr. Washington was asked about how long the vaccine immunity will last. He said it’s unknown at this time, but feels it will be good for many years. He also said the vaccine is very safe and all Coloradoans should get the vaccine.

Editor’s Note: Since the trials were shortened to less than one year due to the emergency approval, the existing trials will continue and eventually indicate the immunity’s length of time.

Dr. Herlihy indicated the two vaccines will take several months after the second dose is taken to be effective and has the best protection of 95% in decreasing the overall pandemic.

The panel expects the pandemic to be over by the end of 2021, if 75% of the population is vaccinated.

Existing COVID-19 patients already will have immunity against the virus for at least 90 days, so getting vaccinated will give longer protection.

Many Coloradoans are concerned about the safety of the two vaccines, but the panel assured everyone the vaccine has been thoroughly tested for all ethnic populations. The RNA based vaccine will give excellent protection for all users and will work effectively on the latest variants too.

The Pfizer vaccine requires 21 days between the two shots for the best protection, while the Moderna vaccine requires four weeks between the required two shots to achieve also the 95% effectiveness and best protection.

Two new vaccines by Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca with approval expected by next March will only require one shot for up to 90% effectiveness. It works differently than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but just as effective.

Dr Washington emphasized that the current COVID-19 virus is extremely dangerous and can unknowingly spread to other people, so getting vaccinated is very important! He also noted that wearing a mask, washing your hands often, and social distancing is still important even after being vaccinated until the pandemic is over and no longer a threat to humans.

Dr. France indicated the vaccine is good for adults age 16 and over and wasn’t tested on children younger than 16 as they weren’t getting sick as much from the virus. However, more testing will be done shortly on children younger than 16, but expects those children to be safe with the COVID-19 vaccine much like the annual flu vaccine or other vaccinations.

Another concern is for pregnant or breast-feeding children, which the vaccine has been tested and deemed to be safe for mothers.

Governor Polis and other panelists emphasized the vaccine is FREE to all Coloradoans or anyone in general who wants to be vaccinated. Polis also emphasized there is no mandate to be vaccinated.

For more information on CIVID-19, visit the Colorado State Dept of Public Health Website.

Editor’s Note: You will likely be chastised by your fellow citizens for not being vaccinated and caught spreading the disease or possibly killing more loved ones or other innocent people. The exception is virus allergic reactive people or asymptomatic people deemed to be carriers. Remember Typhoid Mary and her punishment in the early 1900s! The legal consequences for those citizens in a civil or criminal court not wanting to be vaccinated and spreading the disease could be very costly! So please get vaccinated to end this terrible disease!

Report by photo-journalist Robert Larson

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