Tips to help you celebrate National Courtesy Month

Have you been extra courteous in the last few weeks?

With September being National Courtesy Month, this is the perfect time to brush up on being polite to others. After all, a little kindness does go a long way.

Some politeness reminders – and ways to raise the bar on being kind to others:
• Always say “please” and “thank you.”
• Greet others with a smile. Say “hello.” And “goodbye.”
• Be a good listener. Don’t interrupt!
• Dress appropriately for the occasion.
• Wait your turn. Patience really is a virtue.
• Practice your mobile manners.
• Leave things better than you found them.
• Recognize – and show gratitude – to others.
• If you have to leave the dinner table, excuse yourself.
• Give at least 3 compliments a day.

And if you need any more reasons to brush up on being a little kinder to your fellow human beings, studies have shown that being “nice” to others is actually really good for you. In a recent article on Huffington Post, clinical psychologist Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. stated “When we help others and do kind acts, it causes our brain to release endorphins, the chemicals that give us feelings of fervor and high spirits—similar to a ‘runner’s high.’”

Sometimes it’s good to be reminded that using your manners and being courteous to others really matters. You can never be too polite!

~ By Margaret Page in Everyday Etiquette.

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