Free! Family History Fair in Loveland

The Loveland Family History Center is pleased to announce the first annual Family History Fair with an all day FREE genealogy seminar for local genealogists and family historians on Saturday, April 26 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. This event will be held at the Loveland Family History Center (Church of Jesus Christ) located at 3800 Mountain Lion Drive (exit off Boyd Lake Road on Highway 34/Eisenhower Blvd near I-25).

Opening keynote speaker will be Judy Russell (pictured above), the popular Legal Genealogist blogger, who gave one of the opening speeches at the February 2014 RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake City. Judy has a popular daily blog on legal genealogy.

The seminar includes a combination of 20 video genealogy classes from the 2014 RootsTech conference and several live class presentations by eight experienced speakers from the genealogy community. Classes include a combination of beginner and intermediate genealogy subjects. Each participant can attend up to five classes during the all day seminar!

Three hundred new and existing genealogists are expected to attend this year’s event. Besides all the informational classes, several genealogy organizations will have exhibits at the fair including Larimer County Genealogical Society and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

A modest lunch is provided free for all attendees. Lots of fellowship during lunch time as attendees will meet other genealogists and interact with the speakers during the classes.

This seminar is FREE to all genealogists and new researchers interested in learning about their ancestry! Registration is required and genealogists can register either at (Upcoming Loveland events) or at Register today as seating is filling fast!

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