Do Not Let Life-Threatening Ailments Go Unchecked!

Hospitals across the country report that emergency department (ED) visits have declined significantly for illnesses not related to COVID-19. In particular, heart attacks and strokes appear to be left unchecked. Some hospitals also observe a decline in fall-related visits. Doctors believe that people are so scared of contracting COVID-19 that they’re not seeking help for life-threatening ailments. Nationwide, nearly a third of adults say that they have delayed or avoided medical care because they are concerned about contracting COVID-19, according to a poll from the American College of Emergency Physicians. Nearly 75% of poll respondents  also expressed concern about over stressing the health care system; more than half worried they won’t be able to see a doctor.

While stay-at-home guidance is a critical part of reducing the spread of COVID-19, if you are having symptoms of a stroke or heart attack or have experienced a fall and suffered a fracture, broken bone, or brain injury, it is important to seek medical care right away.

For strokes, in order for clot busters, medicines that break up clots and prevent long-term problems like paralysis, to work, or for surgeries to be successful, it’s crucial to get to the hospital within 3 hours after the first symptoms appear. Some patients are not eligible for treatments if they get to the hospital too late.

The bottom line is that hospitals have safety measures in place to protect us from infections and have allocated beds for patients with non-COVID illnesses. If you are experiencing symptoms of a stroke or heart attack or if you’d had a fall and suspect an injury, it’s important to get prompt treatment that may save your life or avoid longterm complications. Call 911 for urgent care and continue routine appointments through online telemedicine services.

~ Courtesy of National Council on Aging.

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