Worldwide Coronavirus By the Numbers!

The World Health Organization (WHO) updates their website daily. Today (3/30), the coronavirus crisis still exists in many countries with more cases and deaths. The total worldwide count is 719,700 confirmed cases with 33,673 deaths.

Although the U.S has the most confirmed cases, it also has a low percentage of deaths due to the ‘Stay at Home’ orders by the President and many governors. Also, U.S has tested over 100,00 people too, whereas in other countries, testing isn’t as high due to the amount of testing kits and testing locations available.

China is slowly releasing its lockdown in Wuhan, but is feared a second wave of the virus will hit there and be much worse.

The following is the top ten countries with the most confirmed cases and deaths as of 3/30:

United States: 140,904; Deaths: 2,405 (Updated by CDC)
Italy: 97,697; Deaths: 10,781
China: 82,544; Deaths: 3,314
Spain: 78,797; Deaths: 6,528
Germany: 57,298; Deaths: 455
Iran: 41,495; Deaths 2,757
France: 39,642; Deaths: 2,602
United Kingdom: 19,526; Deaths: 1,228
Switzerland: 14,274; Deaths: 257
Netherlands: 10,866; Deaths: 771

Colorado has 2,627 cases with 51 deaths per the Colorado State Public Health Dept!

Stay home and stay healthy!

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