President Trump Press Briefing

Today (3/27), President Trump and his staff gave a press briefing to all Americans via a live broadcast from the White House. After an earlier press briefing today on signing a $2.2 trillion stimulus aid package, President gave thanks to the Senate and Congress for their quick vote approval of the stimulus bill, which is the largest bill ever passed in the history of our country.

The president said many hospitals are facing many challenges treating many Americans with the coronavirus with a shortage of supplies expected soon. With the Federal Government’s help, he has talked to many governors and vendors about the critical medical equipment and supplies. He said 1,000s of ventilators are needed and will be shipping across the U.S. He said many ventilators have already shipped to the hardest hit locations such as New York City and other critical places.

President Trump signed an Executive Order today creating a new Health Policy and administrator position to cope with the coronavirus epidemic. The administrator is Peter Navarro, who has been working with many vendors including GM, GE, Medtronics, and many others to supply the badly needed ventilators and other medical equipment and supplies. He thanked Boeing for making the much needed plastic face shields for the public health workers, who desperately need them. In addition, Boeing is loaning three very large cargo jets to the U.S. government to deliver the much needed supplies to all states.

Earlier, President Trump signed a critical $2.2 trillion stimulus aid package that will provide needed money to all Americans either on Social Security, workers without jobs, families in trouble, and small and large businesses damaged by the coronavirus epidemic. The bill could expand to $6.25 trillion if the epidemic continues beyond June. He indicated this will save millions of jobs and companies, both small and large!

He says with all the increase in medical supplies, testing will be done at 100,000 per day. Also the U.S, will be helping our allies such as the United Kingdom, Germany (UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Merkel both tested positive for the coronavirus), Spain, France, and Italy, who have requested ventilators and other critical medical supplies.

President Trump also indicated 22 days ago, we had the greatest economy and the highest stock market ever in the history of the U.S., until the coronavirus changed that in less than a week. His final comment, “We will win this war on coronavirus!”

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