January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month!

Human trafficking includes: sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and sex & labor trafficking. Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that occurs in every state, including Colorado. The average age of entry into the commercial sex industry in the United States is 12-14 years old per the US Department of Justice, Child Exploitation & Obscenity Section. 30% of teens will be approached for sexual exploitation within 72 hours of running away. 90% of victims of sex trafficking have a history of sexual abuse.

While these are statistics and information may seem bleak or insurmountable, they are not! Extended Hands of Hope brings survivors of sex trafficking hope for not only a present, but for a future! A future where they are no longer victimized from their past trauma because they have worked through their abuse in a safe and welcoming environment. All of our programs are centered around trauma informed care that focus on getting to the root of the issue for the survivors to have true healing.

BUT, we can’t do it without you! We need your help to be able to continue to support the survivors of Colorado. Our champions are the reason we are able to empower the girls we serve to move forward with hope and dignity. Will you help us FIGHT sex trafficking and EMPOWER the survivors of Colorado during National Human Trafficking Awareness Month?

If you suspect something, report it: National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 or Text 233733

Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/344432/latest-news/january-national-human-trafficking-prevention-month