Join the Veterans Plaza to Celebrate Constitution Week

The Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado will host an event to celebrate Constitution Week on Saturday, September 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The program is entitled “The Noblest Form of Government Ever Devised by Man,” and includes:
11:30 a.m. A reading of the Bill of Rights by The Colonials
12:30 p.m. Speaker Massey Campos, Vice President of the Institute on the Constitution
1:00 p.m. Speakers Billy & Karen Vaughn, Gold Star parents of Aaron Vaughn, SEAL Team VI.

Community members are invited to bring their friends and families to learn more about the importance of our U.S. Constitution, other founding documents, and the value of our veterans’ and active military personnel’s service who sacrificed to defend this great nation and its ideals. Additionally, families are encouraged to bring their children to meet The Colonials and write letters of gratitude to our veterans. Voter registration is also available.

Constitution Week occurs annually September 17-23. The Veterans Plaza brings this program to the community free of charge to help fulfill its mission to honor our U.S. military veterans and to educate future generations about the value of our veterans’ service.

For more information, contact Mary Zenzen at

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