Love A Senior Day

Dr. Thomas interacting with his audience during the Q&A time.

The first of this ‘special’ day for area Seniors was recently held at The Ranch in Loveland.

l-r: Mimi Wahlfeldt, Michele Clements, Sally
& Mark Carnes, Karen Peterson

The Love A Senior Day Company along with Gold Sponsors The Colorado Eagles and Windsor Raindance Properties teamed together to educate, equip and empower Seniors to better prepare them to make vital decisions about their lives and living and keeping in mind how those decisions would affect their families & loved ones.

(-r) Holly Raymer, Drew Sorrells, Jennifer
Vecchi, Lisa Czolowski

Keynote speaker from New York, Dr. Bill Thomas, delivered an informative, lively and inspiring talk about “What Is Ageism?” Dr. Thomas worked in humor and laughter during his presentation. A question and answer period followed which highlighted the well-invested time spent with Dr. Thomas.

Chris Hall, Super Saxy Entertainment

The full day event offered speakers addressing topics of interest, a variety of fun games, prize drawings, and entertaining music by Chris Hall, Super Saxy Entertainment.

l-r Affton Schlochtermeier, Carol Chiarito,
Yolanda Baca, the ‘Love A Senior Day’ Team

Silver Sponsor: Juma Homes, Bronze Sponsors: zTrips, InnovAge Along with a lineup of an impressive selection of vendors joined together to help support Love A Senior Day and make available valuable and helpful information to all who attended.

To learn more about Love A Senior Day, please call 719-225-8349.

Intergenerational Honor Guard, local American Legion Post & Boy Scout Troop

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