The Key to Leading a Full & Transformative Life

By Merlin Schaefer

Most of us want some level of change in our lives, but we struggle to achieve it on our own. Even if we are independent, self-motivated, or downright desperate, it can prove quite difficult to make those changes on our own. That’s why I became a life coach.

Through my experiences in life and my formal training, I help individuals assure themselves a full, complete life.  Through a co-creative process, they are able to expand their horizons far beyond their expectations and achieve the transformations they seek.

As a coach, I use a series of conversations to help my clients identify goals, explore motivations and consider potential obstacles. Together, we develop a personalized picture of success, called a Wellness Vision, alon g with a plan to achieve it.

Once a long-term objective has been identified, I help the client reach it by creating an Action Plan — a series of short-term goals that help change habits gradually and incorporate new behaviors for the long term. Weekly face-to-face meetings keep the client accountable, provide an opportunity to review progress, discuss any challenges they may have encountered, and make adjustments to help them stay on track.

A life coach does not act as a therapist, counselor, or health care provider. Psychological intervention lies outside of the scope of life coaching. We focus on moving forward through goal attainment.

I work with clients who have not taken the time to place themselves first.  By focusing on their careers, family, and other situations, they may have overlooked their needs.  Through introspection, guided questions, thoughtful discussions, and coaching techniques, my clients are able to explore their personal desires for a happier, more fulfilling life that is free from limitations.

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