How Ageism Affects Older Adults

Changing the Narrative is this year’s ageism awareness campaign to increase our understanding of ageism and to change how Coloradans think about aging. Ageism is the discrimination or being biased against our older population. Unfortunately, ageism is alive and well, despite our current laws to protect people over 50 years of age. Someone who is biased has a tendency to regard older persons as debilitated, unworthy of attention, or unsuitable for employment.

According to a recent study conducted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, researchers sent over 40,000 resumés to apply for 13,000 jobs posted online in 12 cities. The study concluded older adults over 50 received less responses than younger or middle-aged adults. According to a Tulane University professor, the bias towards age was prevalent over skill level.

In a survey by American Psychological Association of people 60 and older, 80 percent reported experiencing ageism such as other people assuming they had memory or physical impairments due to their age. Almost a third of older people state that they have been ignored or not taken seriously because of their age.

At a June seminar hosted by Covenant village in Westminster, speakers Karen Brown, Aging 2.0 specialist, and keynote speaker Janine Vanderburg, discussed the bias and discrimination against our older Coloradans.

Speakers Janine Vanderburg & Karen Brown indicated the Aging 2.0 mission is to support the initiative in taking on challenges and opportunities on aging issues.

Janine said the Changing the Narrative is a Colorado pilot program of a national effort to make the public and employers aware of the ageism issue, why it is happening, and how to prevent it.

Janine explained common terms as Silver Tsunami baby boomers, and seniors are not preferred terms with today’s older population. Another study on evaluating ageism conducted by the Frameworks Institute determined how the public thinks about the older population between 50 to 80 years old. The study concluded the older population is considered lonely and depressed, has health problems, relies on Social Security, doesn’t have enough money to survive, needs better instruction, not active, and feels it’s us versus them attitude. The public has cognitive holes on ageism and their social detriments.

The study also indicated society tries to have intervention to improve on ageism issues. The following items were prevalent form the study: 1) Ideal situation versus reality were quite different, 2) Us versus them attitude, 3) Individualism, where the public thinks it’s their fault for not doing well, 4) Nostalgia of the good old days which isn’t reality today, and 5) Public feels this need on finding better solutions for the older population for them making better choices.

The study recommended reframing our opinions on ageism. It recommended making choices on what is said and what is not said! By doing so, the study discovered 1) positive attitude towards aging, 2) making Us Versus Them awareness, and 3) support expanded opportunities and policies for the aging, and 4) decreases bias against older adults.

What methods work in shifting our opinions on aging? Providing effective story telling methods help to change opinions and generate solutions against aging. Janine gave several examples of story telling. The first story tells about confronting injustice, how an older person received discrimination of their age, and possible solutions in overcoming ageism. This story finds the older person is deemed less competent, less attractive, and less active than their younger counterparts. Workspace discrimination can be used in this story or using Facebook to post adds for younger peers, which explains implicit bias against the older population.

Not surprising, 77% of the younger generation prefers to work with younger people ss evidenced in newer startup companies run by younger CEOs

Multiple solutions to overcome ageism include eliminating dates n applications, training managers on ageism, and changing public policy on ageism.

The second story discusses embracing the dynamic. Bring ingenuity as Americans are problem solvers and can seize the opportunity to reduce ageism. Replacing outdated practices with new ways of resolving issues is the key to using our nation’s ingenuity and experience. We should be trying new innovative concepts to improve how our society supports older people and respond to the aging issues.

The last story builds on momentum. Older adults build on experiences, thus contributing to our society’s workforce. As we all age, we should remember not to be opinionated on the younger or older generations. Everyone can contribute and lead a meaningful life in the workforce.

Five methods to avoid on ageism include 1) the super senior, which depresses both young and old in the workforce, 2) Sympathetic senior which can resonate with others, 3) Ageism versus civil rights, which increases biases and legal issues, 4) stories without solutions, 5) outdated terminology including Silver Tsunami, elders, and seniors.

It is recommended that older Americans retrain themselves by attending classes on the latest methods or technologies in improving their skill level, have a positive attitude, and network in their desired industry. Overall ageism can be overcome if the public changes their thinking about older adults and older adults change with the times. For more information on ageism and how you can help, please visit

Feature Photo:  Agism Speakers Janine Vanderburg & Karen Brown



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