5G Cellular Technology Is Coming Soon!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Get ready for the latest cellphone technology capable of 10 to 50 times faster than the current 4G cellular systems. 5G is being treated as a game-changer for wireless networks. It will accommodate a network of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, plus it’s designed to offer greater flexibility than the current 4G products.

Currently, cellphones are connected to a cellular network, but in the future, 5G will connect everything from home appliances to industrial automation equipment. Vehicles, laptops, and televisions can also connect to 5G networks. With a data rate of 100 MBs, there’s far more available bandwidth, thereby allowing more devices and faster speeds.

Verizon Wireless plans on deploying its second 5G system in Los Angeles beginning in late 2018. Sacramento was the first 5G city. Verizon’s CEO Lowell McAdam said, “I have never seen a technology that is as disruptive and has as much benefit to consumers as 5G.”

AT&T plans to add 5G networks in Dallas, Waco, and Atlanta in early 2019. The issue is whether the handset device manufacturers will have their products ready by then.

T-Mobile and Sprint plan to merge in early 2019 to build a large nationwide 5G cellphone network. Using existing 2.5 GHz and 600 MHz spectrum, the combined company’s network is expected to deliver 15x faster speeds nationwide by 2024, with many customers experiencing up to 100x faster speeds than early 4G systems.

“Going from 4G to 5G is like going from black and white to color TV,” added Sprint CEO Claure, it’s a seismic shift to fuel the next wave of mobile innovation.” None of these operators have indicated when 5G is coming to Colorado. Overall, 5G will be the new technology to enhance our lives! Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus.

~ Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus.

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