Thank You NASA!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

By Bob Larson

Lots of new technology is invented by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) in developing efficient methods in resolving problems in space. For more than 50 years, the NASA Technology Transfer Program has connected the private industry with new commercial products.

Many NASA spin-off products include memory foam, freeze dried food, firefighting equipment, portable vacuum cleaners, hearing implants, and photo image sensors. Since 2016, NASA claims over 2,000 other spinoffs in the fields of computer technology, environment and agriculture, health and medicine, public safety, transportation, recreation, and industrial productivity.

Their ten NASA technology centers have patent licensing programs for any individual or company to use their latest technologies in developing commercial or industrial products for the general public. Below are several of the more popular consumer products.

An infrared sensor was developed in detecting heat on their shuttle program, thus resulting in the infrared ear thermometer. Several vendors make this user friendly ear thermometer product for medical offices, hospitals, and the general public.

Because of the special sun filters used in the NASA space suit helmets, Eagle Eyes sunglasses were developed over 20 years ago. These amazing polarized sunglasses eliminated sun glare, blocked 99.9% of UVA, UVB, and blue light radiation, and enhanced the images dramatically over normal sunglasses.

Digital camera technology became reality when a NASA scientist developed a digital image sensor for their different space probes and Mars rovers. Today, this same image sensor design is used in smartphones, photo cameras, web cameras, and tablet or laptop computers.

Thank you NASA for creating these new technologies to make our lives more efficient and user friendly! If you want to see more NASA created products, please visit NASA’s website:

~ Bob Larson is a technologist and our Marketing Director at 50 Plus. 

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