CSU CPD 10th Anniversary Presents Community Involvement Awards


Since 2006, Colorado State University’s Center for Public Deliberation (CPD) has successfully assisted hundreds of seniors and other residents in Northern Colorado in over 50 community projects. Programs in Fort Collins and Loveland included senior transportation, affordable housing, summit on aging, senior candidate’s forums, diversity and inclusion, intergenerational UniverCity connections, mental  health, and numerous other health and wellness programs and an elder abuse prevention forum.

Seven months after the elder abuse forum, the  Colorado State Legislature passed a law requiring Colorado to report elder abuse. Prior to that time Colorado was only one of four states in the nation without an elder abuse reporting requirement.

CPD also works closely with Larimer County municipalities and institutions including the Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities, the Larimer County Office on Aging, Senior Advisory Boards, Human Relations Commission and more.

During a recent ceremony, CPD presented two inaugural Community Impact Awards for outstanding contributions and community engagement in the Northern Colorado Community. The recipients were Carole and Myles Crane for the Individual Award and the Bohemian Foundation for the Organization Award.

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