New Beginnings


Celebrate the Grand Opening of 2017

By Marty Coffin Evans

Open the windows, open the doors, welcome the New Year! What a time to celebrate all these next 365 days have to offer.

Just what does “open” really mean for us? What do we open? What does it include?

Familiar phrases or words such as “eyes wide open,” “keep an open mind,” “stay open to new ideas” all qualify as good examples of the concept.

When our eyes are wide open, we see more, possibly have a different insight into an old problem or situation. More light enters, perhaps improving our eyesight. When eyes open in the morning, decisions deliberated on difficult situations during the night may become clearer with the light of day. We may see more clearly now.

Keeping an open mind might require giving up a previously held position or accepting another’s point of view. Through more experience, reading and learning views can change. A new understanding may emerge.

Staying open to new ideas might provide opportunity for growth. Staying open to new possibilities may bring action, a change of course, a refocus and more.

Allowing a heart to open has the potential for pleasure as well as pain. With an open heart vulnerability enters. How much do we care for others or allow them to care for us?

How risky is it to open our hearts to others? Will this be nourishing? How much do we trust with an open heart? Once open, do we stay so?

Remaining open to opportunities may enable us to face challenges. It may contain the potential for healing broken bodies, relationships and even addressing our emotional pain.

Grand openings hold an element of surprise, wonder, and anticipation, mixed in with a little uncertainty. How will we live into this New Year? Will we be open to all it holds?

With eyes, mind and heart wide open, enjoy it all. Happy 2017!

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